The Beginning of the Necromancer

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(Lost Wight has this story under "WORK IN PROGRESS". I got he mistakes in the story fixed for her. Someone from Amino let her know about the this posting. Lost Wight owns this story as I'm just posting it for her. She owns it, not me. Enjoy!)

A long time ago, a man lived in the mountains with his wife. One day, while hunting, the man stumbled across a cave littered with human remains. Due to his intense curiosity, the man desired to explore the cave and ended up getting lost. He began to hear voices and was convinced he would die, until one voice rang out above the rest.

"I will show you the way out of this cave." It said.

"My only request, is that you take me with you." The man agreed and the voice lead him out of the cave and safely back home. The man was glad to be home, but had forgotten that he allowed something to followed him.

As the months went on, the man started to change. He stay out in the cold for hours on end, talking to someone that wasn't there. His wife would worry and ask him to come inside, but he would only turn to her, smile, and then look away. The man's wife began to suspect her husband was tampering with supernatural forces.

One day, after the man left for a hunt, she followed him. What she saw was horrific. She witnessed her husband kill a deer and bring it back to life. She screamed and startled her husband. Instead of being angry however, he seemed pleased. He beckoned her over to show her his handiwork. While the woman disapproved at first, she could not help but be intrigued by her husband's new found talent.

A year passed and the man's new hobby took a dark turn. He became unsatisfied with resurrecting animals and decided that he needed a new challenge. The man began kidnapping people from nearby villages, killing them, and attempting to bring them back from the dead. His wife aided his sick schemes out of fear for her own life.

No matter how hard he tried however, he could only keep the corpses alive for a couple of minutes. Frustrated, the man eventually returned to the cave where he first acquired his powers. He screamed and pleaded with an unknown entity to give him the power to resurrect humans. The voice from before said that they would give them this power, however, it would come at a price. The man asked what the price would be and the voice said.

"I will give you the power to breath life into that long since perished. However, you will need to become one with the lands of snow and ice." The man did not understand, but he did not care. He agreed to the terms and was transformed into a horrible creature.

When the man returned home, he frightened his wife who shot him with a hunting rifle. The man, now in his new, icy form, did not flinch. He smiled at his wife and told her who he was and how he now had more power than ever before. He walked up to her and slit her throat with a hunting knife.

The man, now a necromancer if of ice and shadow, brought his dead wife to the entrance of the cave. He had dressed her in a lovely, white nightgown and adorned her head with a garland of white roses. With his new power he brought he resurrected her, however, she was not the same. She was still dead.

The man did not care however as in his mind he had done the u thinkable. His wife, back from the dead, despised her new form and cursed her husband for what he had done. The woman, now a wight, ran from her home and the monster she had once loved.

As the new necromancer's powers grew, so did the hatred of his first wight. It is said that she roams the mountains to this day, plotting her revenge. She stays hidden in the forest and away from civilization. However, should an unlucky traveler stumble across her, she will ask them a question.

"Are you lost?" She will say. Should the traveler answer yes, she will ask another question.

"Shall I show you the way home?" Should the traveler once again answer yes, she will lead them further into the woods and kill them. She will make them pay the same price she did, all because they trusted an evil creature.

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