Fighting FIT!

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Hera walked in sluggishly and slowly plonked her bag on the floor. The desk seemed welcoming as soon as the desk chair was used and Hera leant on the wooden surface.
"Tired?" Morgan commented as he passed the desk. A sarcastic look was given to him but still, she kept her head down.

"What have you been up to?" He had returned to her desk and sat on the edge.

"My house is finally ready so I have had no sleep so I want to curl up in a ball and sleep." He laughed and went to hit her back but quickly pulled it back.

"Quick question. Do you have a thing about germs? Eye contact involves no germs either yet you seem against that." Her head lifted and her hand went to his coffee cup where she sipped from the mouthpiece.

"No. I don't like people touching me. It is for the same reason why I hate eye contact as well. Just a thing I can't handle." He nodded but as the rest of the team returned to grab their go-bags they followed.

Derek waited at the door and walked with her.
"When was the last time you made eye contact. That wasn't on the streets." Hera thought for a second and responded.

"Don't be silly. I keep my eyes down so I haven't made any eye contact that I can think of since I was about 13. It drove my teachers mad as they told me to pay attention but I could only stare past them or at their nose." Morgan laughed as he finished his coffee and threw it away.

"You have a way with people." His sly remark was forgotten as they got into their own cars for the jet.

As they all met at their place of departure Hera found that everyone else was there and boarding.
"You can sleep on the way there." Morgan said lightly as they walked together.

"Can I ask where we are actually going?" Hera realised that she had just blindly followed.

"Texas." She nodded and took a file that Hotchner offered her.

"I would like to ask you something after we are briefed." Hera nodded and took the usual seat with one to her left and two opposite her. Spencer was next to her and JJ sat opposite.

"Twenty victims over as many months however, the twenty-first was found only two weeks ago and we believe that he is out for his next victim. The postmortem has shown that he takes them, tied them up for a few days or so, electrocuted them for hours. He lets them suffer for three days before raping them. It is believed that either during or after they have been raped he then stabs them. One stab for each day they are captive for. He stores them in the open so he must have a large space that he knows no one enters or will smell them from. As well as this he then waits till the end of the month or two weeks and leaves them in the same place as where they were taken. All of the girls were singers at various clubs. There is a pattern but the cops got too close last time and so all of the facts changed before the pattern was specific but the last one didn't fit, he kept her for two weeks and stabbed her a seemingly random amount of times. He is getting reckless and acting on impulse."

The files were being read but eyelids were fought to keep open.
"Our unsub was desperate and all too ready to act out. What if he slips back into the pattern?" Rossi proposed the idea and the chance of catching him was severely higher.

"All of these girls are late twenties, brunette and blue-eyed. They are positively beautiful, and married." Hera commented and Hotch let an obvious, awkward glance rest on her and then an awkward silence was spilt across the jet.

"That is what I wanted to talk about. I thought that if it came to it you could possibly stand in as a singer or performer. I mean, Rossi and I know you can sing. You spent hours on it as a teen from the age of 13 till 18." Hera slightly panted and went wide-eyed at the paper. She seemed out of breath as she thought over it all again.

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