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This happens somewhere between the end of series one and the beginning of series two. I'm going to try not include the episodes however some maybe mentioned or referred to.
In this story Liam has been acting strangely he's been more distant, getting into more trouble than normal even for him and no one not even Frank his best mate knows what's wrong. The reason behind this well its feelings. Yes THE Liam O'donovan has developed feelings and not just any ordinary feelings but feelings for a girl.

Since moving back into Elm Tree and going back to school something has been amiss with the O'donovan boy but no matter who asks or how they ask they don't get an explanation until one day when a mysterious young girl knocks on the door asking for Liam. Yes Liam likes a girl, this very girl who knocks on the door of his care home who happens to attend the same school as him. He's never spoken to her but he knows her name and recently he only seems to know what shes doing, where she is and if shes around which is causing him a lot of problems at home and in school. Bex has been in his class since he can remember but they have never spoken or even interacted and this has never, at all, been a problem until he came back from his latest foster home and suddenly she was everywhere, on his every thought, in his every dream. She was driving him mad but she hadn't done anything other than walk into class.


Tracy's POV

What is wrong with Liam? I know I've not known him long but he didn't strike me as a lad who gets into pointless fights or even serious trouble, yeah he's a troublemaker but only pranks and scams not fights and ignoring his schoolwork. Hmmm. I stand abruptly from my desk heading to find Mike surely he'll know something or at least if this is normal. "Mike? I was wondering is Liam's behaviour normally like this?" I jump straight to the point once I find him in the kitchen making a drink "No not normally. I mean he's no angel but his trouble doesn't involve fights just pranks, scams that sort of thing. What worries me though is that not even Frank knows what's up." Mike sighs rubbing his forehead stressed "Really?" I ask before we can continue the kids all start to pile in so we walk to greet them "Hey guys. How was school?" I ask getting various alrights from them all but I notice that Liam isn't with them "Frank where's Liam?" I ask the boy as he passes me "He got detention again" "What for this time?" Frank shrugs walking upstairs.

Liam's POV

School again. Now no kid likes school and I'm no different but I have to say I'm looking forward to going even if it's just to see her. Bex. She's amazing well I think she is but then again I've never actual spoke to her, I don't think anyone has. She's one of those kids that keeps themselves to themselves but when I do see her with her friends she's so different. Her laugh, her smile makes me smile and my stomach to flutter but I don't understand why and this gets me so frustrated and she distracts me which leads to all the trouble. I enter my form room and sit waiting for her to walk in as she always does but she doesn't which I find strange she's never late and never absent the bell rings signalling 1st lesson I stand and make my way to class wondering where she could be. Halfway through second lesson she walks in her long brown hair down covering her pretty face which confuses me she never has her hair down after handing the teacher a note she makes her way over to her seat which happens to be next to me but on a separate desk, I try to glimpse her face but she stubbornly keeps her head down her hair acting as a thick pair of curtains, I sigh frustrated causing the teacher's attention to be brought to me "Is there something you wish to say Liam?" "No sorry Miss." I answer quickly before focusing back on my work. By lunch time I'm even more annoyed as she seems even quieter than normal so I purposely walk passed her and her friends noticing even with them she's different, not as bright or as open. "Hey Zak can I have a word?" I ask one of her mates, one we have in common "Sure man. What's up?" He asks walking with me to the side "is she alright?" I nod in Bex's direction slightly, Zak sighs looking awkward while shaking his head slightly "Nah not really Liam. She won't tell us what's up but we can tell there's something cos her hairs down, she ain't looking at us and she's curling in on herself. Man I've not seen her like this for years, last time she was this bad we were seven." He explains sometimes I forget they've grown up together but that means he knows her and it's not just me worrying. "Do you think she'd tell me?" I inquire "Doubt it but you're welcome to try." As he finishes we see a group a lads, popular lads, in our year approach Zak and Bex's group more specifically Bex herself next to me Zak tenses muttering "this cant be good. Come on." Slightly tugging me over with him only for me to speed up when one of the lads grab Bex's arm "Oi get off her" I order with a slightly raised voice, not quite a shout only for them to laugh "Why would I do that?" "Cause I said so and cause she clearly doesn't want you touching her" I push him away standing slightly in front of her trying to hide her away, I notice in the corner of my eye Zak and her other mate Lily-may move either side of her. "What you gonna do if I don't? You're useless, just a dumb unwanted care kid." He taunts me smirking until I lose it launching at him landing a punch directly in his jaw wiping the smirk clearly off his smug face. The other three lads are quick to gang up on me but Zak is just as quick to back me up taking on two while I take on the main two. I know a crowd has began to build up around us just as i know the teachers will be here and I'll be in trouble again but i saw her reaction to him even if it was next to invisible but i saw it, he's at least apart of the reason for her odd behaviour. The teachers have arrived I notice it's just me, Zak and the two main guys now the teachers grab Zak and his guy then try to grab me and mine but only get him. In my rage I go to hit him again but am stopped when a small gentle hand is placed on my chest accompanied with a soft voice "Liam stop please" I follow the hand to the person to see Bex looking at me tear stained cheeks, bottom lip trembling slightly and split her left eye black and bruised. I'm shocked a) I didn't know she knew my name and b) how did someone do that to her. I nod looking down regretfully as I hear the teachers giving us 6 boys detention then everyone heads for last lesson but Bex stands waiting before grabbing both mine and Zak's arms turning to the head "just so you know sir these two were just sticking up for me. He was trying to continue this incident from this morning." He indicates the guy I hit the head nods saying he'll take it into account before she pulls us to lesson with her "Why?!" She groans exasperated "you're welcome" I answer annoyed to which she rolls her eyes "thanks but seriously you both should have left it. You especially" she points to me before turning to Zak "you know better than to get involved when I don't ask." "But you never ask" "exactly" with that she leaves us to enter her classroom I look to Zak confused "She doesn't like feeling like she's a damsel and us helping her makes her think we don't think she can handle her own. Don't worry too much she'll be over it tomorrow she's just annoyed she's the reason we got in trouble."
After the detention I get back to the dumping ground only to be face to face with an annoyed Mike and a dissapointed Tracy "what?" I groan "you got detention? Again?" Mike asks "yeah so what" I just want to go to my room, don't want to be lectured again "what for this time?" Tracy asks "fighting" I answer reluctantly "oh Liam" Mike says voice full of disappointment, I hate disappointing him but I cant explain it. Mike points to the office so I enter with a unnecessary attitude "What has gotta into you Liam?" I just look at him "Well?" "I don't know what you mean?" I say "this attitude you've got, all this trouble. It's not you." He explains I shake my head "Sorry. I don't know. I " I stop myself "can I go?" He nods calling after me that I'm grounded, which I expected.

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