The morning after...

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Matthew woke up in Jay's arms. Jay was drooling all over his bare back, reminding him of all the cum that was on his back last night. He also realized something else. Jay had 'morning wood.' He felt it poking at his back, which was kinda painful lmao rip him.

This is what the rest of my life is gonna be like Matthew thought to himself. He would wake up every morning in Jay's arms, slowly getting a worse and worse back injury until the day one of them died. Even though they literally just hooked up, he knew they were in love. Even though they were in 7th grade, he just knew.

Jay shifted around a bit, before letting out a groan. He squeezes Matthew like hecka hard because he loves him so much uwu. Then they hear a c r a c k.


Jay runs and grabs some tape out of his book bag, and ties it around Matthew's back. It serves as a wonderful cast. Matthew was immediately cured of his broken back, because that is exactly what a cast does.

Matthew, good as new, runs down stairs and starts making breakfast. Matthew's family still has not come home and probably never will because their son just lost his virginity in 7th grade with no protection and his partner threw two girls out of a window, resulting in a death. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but... oh shit THERE IS A LOT OF THINGS WRONG WITH THAT!!! Jk man, you do you.

As Matthew is scrambling Jay's eggs, Jay comes up behind him, now cured of his pesky morning wood, and hugs him. (Feel free to uwu) Matthew can feel his heartbeat. It's so slow, and peaceful. Very unlike Jay. Jay puts his hand on Matthew's cheek, tuning his head to look at him, and whispers," Love you." He quickly steals a kiss, before Matthew has to turn back towards the stove so as to not burn the food. (As I said uwu all you want man)

Matthew couldn't help but smile. He was just so happy to have someone like Jay in his life. Jay was the sun to his sky, the ice to his sprite cranberry, and the dick to his ass. This was Matthew's first time ever being truly happy.

Even Jay had never been so happy with someone. But then again, considering the only sexual relationships Jay had were with pillows and small, rectangular pieces of carpet that are normally laid by a bathtub, this is pretty obvious. At first, Jay wasn't sure that Matthew would like his magic wand, but he was relieved that someone finally did. And no that isn't a name for his dick in this sense because he used a literal wand hope you remembered that.

They were pretty much perfect for each other. Both thirsty, into dudes, etc.. And since Matthew's family is never coming home and Jay's family doesn't fucking care they can live together. Like a married couple, which is what they will be someday...

Matthew more like bathroom 😂👌🤪Where stories live. Discover now