Wedding day 🥴💍

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~timeskip 3 months~

Today is the day Jay thought to himself. He could not express in words how happy he was. For the last few months, him and Matthew were engaged, and planning their perfect wedding. All of their friends (no family lmao rip) we're coming.

Jay had gone to the boy's section in Walmart and fetched the cleanest suit ever to be beheld by man. Matthew, on the other hand, had something very extra special planned for his outfit...

Everything was set for that evening. Matthew had been getting dressed and putting on makeup yadadada. His one singular groom was Lola because Jesse was murdered and Devon got put in a federal prison for child porn lmao. Harsh world we live in 😎🤙.

While they take a snack break from getting ready, Lola picks her head up from her bag of birdseed and asks,"SooOo are yOu exIteD tO be mArriEed???"

Of course Matthew was ready. He had been waiting his whole life for this very moment. He was in love, and nothing was gonna stop him from getting married. So, to reply to Lola's question, he says,"yos."

"Ahhh, time to put on my gown!" Matthew says, happily. His gown isn't like other wedding gowns. It was a lovely ivory color, with crimson lace covering the bodice and skirt. The top had a built in push-up bra, which made his small tender male breasts look 5 cup sizes larger. Yes, five. Don't even bring physics into this, you are all just jealous of Matthew's gorgeous wedding gown.

After Matthew put on his gown, he was ready to slay the day 🦶. Lola handed him his bouquet of white and red roses, and gets behind him. As Matthew walks down the isle, he can barely stop himself from crying. He has never EVER been so happy. Not even when his dad bought him a loaf of French bread.

But oh no, there has been a disturbance 👀.  As Lola throws flower petals (because she is also the flower girl she is trying her best leave her be gosh dang it) one of them enters Andrew's mouth, and he start choke 😓. Nick yelps out," OH HECK, HE'S BEEN BAMBOOZLED!!!"

This is a bad thing. Andrew found what Nick has said to be funny, and now he starts laughing while choking. At this point, he looks like a tomato. Not really because of his redness, he's more of a purple-blue color, but because he is gushing out red liquid like tomato sauce but thinner. Lola's pupils get like 7 times their size, and she starts to drool. She pounces on Andrew's gay ass and starts to eat that coochie. Nick starts to cry because he's a huge fucking pussy ☕️.

Nick's thicc ass mom 🤤🍑 starts to wipe his little bitch tears off of his little bitch face. Matthew says,"oh nu, why this happen on mi wedding day :(." The priest guy who is officiating their marriage is all like," GET YOUR YOUNG SEXY ASS OVER HERE LITTLE BOY."

Matthew continues to walk down the isle, even though the grooms woman/flower girl is busy feasting on boy flesh.

Jay and Matthew day their vows, and once they slide the rings on their fingers, the people who aren't crying, dead, or feasting, clap and cheer.

It is officially the happiest moment of either of their lives. As they leave the church, hand in hand, and hop in their Uber, nothing can ruin the moment.

Now, when they get home, they shall grab their bags, go straight to the airport, and prepare for their honeymoon to Mexico...

Matthew more like bathroom 😂👌🤪Where stories live. Discover now