Love is in the air, with a side of tea 💕☕️

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After the two lovebirds eat bekfast, Matthew realizes that he needs to go to Walmart and get bean. He decides to walk, because he needs that good exercise. Jay decides to stay home because he can't feel his legs after last night and can't walk long distances for threee weeks lmao rip leg.

When Matthew gets to the store, he gets his bean, and while walking to the checkout line, he sees the jewelry section. He thinks to himself what if I married Jay?

He knows what must be done. He buys a very cute and quirky ring for $7.50 and skips home happily. He can't wait to be engaged at the ripe age of 13.

When he gets home, he rushes to the bathroom because he really needed to pepe. Jay is sitting on the couch, anticipating Matthew's return from the restroom. Jay wonders if Matthew really went to get just a bean.

Matthew was gone for a pretty long time, considering he was thinking about being engaged and which ring to get. Jay found this to be sketchy. He thought Matthew may have made a little pit stop at some side hoes house 🤭. But he knew he mustn't go assuming things to quickly, especially after the marvelous love they made last night.

When Matthew emerged from the restroom, he went and laid down beside Jay, with his head resting on him. Jay couldn't help but uwu because he sees how heckin cute his boyfriend is. While uwu-ing, a terrible thought surfaces. What if he's doing this just to draw suspicion from himself. He may be cheating but just acting like nothing happened.

Jay has a harrowing realization. He doesn't smell bean. He smell metal. He assumes Matthew must have been at Rodrick Heffely's house, because he totally rock. He isn't sure what to say. He didn't think they even knew each other.

Jay, in a panic, asks,"DID YOU SLEEP WITH RODRICK?"

Matthew is shocked at his accusation. He could never love such a monster. He may be thicc, but not nearly as thicc as his bb Jay. Matthew reply's,"Why on earth would I do such a thing? I love you and only you!"

Jay then asks," then why the hell do you smell like metal?"

Matthew decides that it's time. He reaches in his bra, pulling out the ring box, and says,"this is why, Jay. Because I love you. Because I want to be happy with you for the rest of my gay life."

He kneels down, taking Jay's hand, and says,"Jay Bilzerian, will you marry me?"

Jay's eyes are filled with tears of pure happiness. He then yells out," Yes! Of course I will marry you! I can't believe I even thought for a second you would cheat on me. I love you so much, Matthew."

And with that, Matthew slides the ring onto Jay's finger. They come together, in a sweet embrace. Matthew kisses him oh so sweetly, before they both plop back onto the couch, cuddling together, day-dreaming of their soon to be wedding day while they watch Bojack Horseman Season 3 episode 7...

Matthew more like bathroom 😂👌🤪Where stories live. Discover now