CH: 5

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Mikans POV:






I opened my eyes to my beeping alarm and clicked the stop button; I sat up and rubbed my eyes my head was spinning like mad, but I needed to see Miko so I just shrugged it off. I stretched; I got up from my bed and walked towards my toilet I brushed my fangs, got my towel and had a shower. Once I was done I covered myself in my towel and walked back into my bedroom I changed into my uniform and felt really woozy, so I sat down at my table to eat breakfast.

When I was finally done I grabbed my bag and went to class, everything was blurry so I shook my head and headed straight to class to avoid fan-boys, I had gotten fan-boys in one day and people were now giving me presents and stalking me... weird right? I saw Natsume at the sakura tree and waved hello, I didn't want him to know about my wooziness so I didn't tell him, we walked to class together as usual and once we arrived I saw Hotaru I was about to run to her, but I blacked out before I had the chance to say good morning.

Natsume's POV:

I waited for Mikan (AN: I find it OC for Natsume to call her that instead of her panty patterns, but I decided he'll call her that later on xD) at the sakura tree where I usually waited for her, I then saw her waving at me, but she looked even paler than usual. I jumped down and we walked to class together. Mikan stumbled a bit more than usual so I knew that something was up. When we reached the class she brightened up when she saw Imai and her highlights were yellow (AN: Refer to CH: 1) I smiled a bit, but hid it from the vampire eye with my bangs. I saw her about to run to Imai but it looked like she fainted.With my vampire instincts I caught her and looked at her face, she was skinnier and paler. I panicked and Imai came up to me "Lack of her twins blood; we have to take her to the infirmary!" I nodded and we left as quickly as we could I looked to my left and Imai wasn't there I saw her behind me she shouted "I HAVE TO STAY HERE AND EXPLAIN TO MIKO OR HE'LL GO BERSERK!" I carried on running and once we reached the infirmary I didn't knock but kick down the door. I placed Mikan down onto one of the spare beds and she moved about, I just hope Miko comes soon.

The nurse came in and saw me she gasped and grabbed a thermometer and placed it in Mikans mouth, she looked at me and then Mikan. She opened her mouth and spoke "She needs blood... Are you her... mate?" I shook my head she looked at Mikan "She's in bad condition she'll lose control in a couple of hours please find her mate or another source!" I nodded and faced Mikan 'I'm not letting you die on me... I won't break my promise to your brother' I stayed with Mikan hoping she wouldn't die... Because if she died I'd die mostly because of Miko.

Hotaru's POV:

I stayed in class worrying about the baka, I waited about 25 minutes and saw Yuu come back into the class followed by Narumi. I straightened up and then Narumi spoke "Well my dear students I have news for you... were having a new student he is the brother of Mikan... Oh where is Mikan?" I stood up and said "Well Mikan fainted so she's in the infirmary!" He widened his eyes and then nervously shouted "Come in please!" And then I saw a very familiar face... Miko! Then as I blinked girls crowded him, oh no! I got out my baka gun 9.0 walked up to the scene and shot them all to the ground. I saw Miko on the floor unconscious I sighed and kissed him on the lips, everyone gasped and Miko woke up.

He smiled and then spoke "Thanks Hota-chan" I gritted my teeth, but smiled inwardly "Don't call me that" And I walked back to my seat totally forgetting to tell Miko about Mikan. Then Narumi spoke "Well, please introduce yourself Miko-kun" He grimaced at the name and then started "Watashi wa Yukihara Miko, age 15 special star and twin brother of Mikan!" He looked around probably for Mikan and then covered his eyes... Oh gosh not...He looked up and his eyes were red "WHERES MIKAN!?" And he looked at Narumi and picked him up by the collar and said "IF YOU'RE LYING TO ME THAT MIKAN IS IN THIS CLASS I WILL DRAIN ALL OF YOUR DISGUSTING BLOOD!" I shivered stood up and walked up to Miko I took in a deep breath and said "Miko... Mikan's in the infirmary she needs you!" His eyes changed colour again and this time it was blue "I need to see her!" He grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the room "Miko let me lead!" I started to lead him to the infirmary and when we arrived he ran into the room... Weir wasn't there a door here before?Miko and I saw Mikan on a bed unconscious and Natsume was sleeping in his chair, Miko ran to his sisters side "MIKAN!" that woke up the sleeping aho he looked at us and then spoke "Mikan will lose self-control if she doesn't get any of Miko's blood NOW!" Miko grabbed Mikans head and pushed her fangs into his neck. We then saw Mikan brightening up a bit and then we saw Mikan open her eyes and her hair changed back into her normal hair colour. We all relaxed seeing Mikan was better, Mikan and Miko hugged tightly and Miko's eyes and Mikan highlights changed to yellow. We then saw them smiling and laughing, we were confused and they grabbed us and pulled us into a big group hug.

We all laughed and Miko and Mikan spoke "We missed you guys" Mikan then gasped "I know let's give Miko an exclusive tour and skip class! We can hang out like the old times... And then Miko can audition!" We all laughed at her enthusiasm and agreed Miko looked at Mikan seriously and spoke to her "Are you okay now?" Mikan nodded and then he continued "I won't leave you again, I'm glad I'm with you again!" and he pulled her into a great big hug.

Mikan POV:

Miko's hug made me feel safe I started crying I missed him so much, I hugged him back and tears started flowing out. Miko wiped them and then I spoke "Let's go see Tsubasa-nii and Youichi!" He nodded and we all walked out.

We all walked to Tsubasa-nii's class and people whispered things like 'OMG Mikan and Natsume are together!' and 'OMG Hotaru has a boyfriend'... and 'those two look alike' we all sighed and when we finally arrived Miko opened the door, no knock, and scanned for Tsubasa we then saw a big gasp "MIKO, MIKAN!" and we saw a big blue blur rush towards us. Tsubasa squished us and started speaking "IM SO HAPPY YOU GUYS ARE HERE!" We smiled and then he let go of me and noogied Miko "You... little, what did you do to our Mi-chan I heard around the school she was being cold!" Miko grabbed his arm and flipped him onto his back "Whatever old man!" Tsubasa-nii pouted and then smiled "Well you guys should see You-chan he seems down in the dumps today" We said our goodbyes and walked to You-chans class.

We than heard some rumbling behind us, I didn't want to turn around to face it, but we then heard "MIKAN-SAMA!" and "NATSUME!" and something I thought I would never hear from fan-girls "YOU HOT BOY NEAR THE ICE-QUEEN!" We sweat dropped, but then ran Hotaru left us on her duck mobile and it was just us three.I then had an idea "WE HAVE TO SPLIT UP!" They nodded and I kept going straight while Miko right and Natsume left.

I ran as fast as I could to avoid my fan-boys, but every sharp corner I took I couldn't lose them. I then saw a tree I jumped grabbed the branch and climbed up and swung to the next branch and the next until I reached the top. I looked down and saw that they didn't see me up the tree and waited 'til the coast was clear. But luck was not on my side and the branch snapped!

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