Tom Riddle X Male!Hufflepuff!Reader

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Word Count: 3,338

Category: Harry Potter

Inspiration/Thought Process: While delving back into the Harry Potter Fandom once again I found out it was our beloved Tom's birthday! A very sweet birthday to our Dark Lord! ❤

(I must say sorry in advance if anybody gets hurt when Tom bashes the Houses. But honestly, I feel it's expected with someone as sinister as him.)

~My Sweet Honey Badger~

Moans fall from your lips with no coherent pattern and for a moment you truly believe what is occurring will never end. In the back of your mind you desperately wish for it to be true; To be able to be this way for eternity.

Peering up through a glossy haze, your (E/c) orbs find silver ones that topple on the edge of having a crimson hue to their dazzling element. Their normal piercing gaze that could cut you with one mere glance was uncharacteristically soft for his manipulative nature. If you stared long enough right then, you would start to believe his eyes were shining from unshed tears, but to openly tell him what you saw would only reward you something akin to punishment

So instead of speaking up to sate your newfound curiosity for the secrets that lay behind his eyes, you submerged yourself into a more pleasurable activity. You focused or at least tried to focus, on the way his body hunched over yours in the most delectable way. Those muscles in his back, beneath your clawed hands, flexed every so often, noticeably when he gave you a harder thrust.

Your legs that had wrapped themselves around his waist, locked at the ankles, were beginning to ache from the act of trying to stay still. But it was proving a futile attempt you soon learned when they began to shake from it. A part of it though, you knew, was the brutal lovemaking that was assaulting you. Soon you had to unlock your ankles when one of his hands ran down a thigh to spread it wide for easier obtained access. That hand hooked under your knee, grasping at that area to not only keep a strong hold but as not to let you fall out of place if you fell exhausted and could not keep it up anymore.

His other hand had secured itself at your hip and a part of you wished to remove in desperation. Yes, it let him keep hold of you, but you knew deep down he was enjoying keeping it there. It let him have complete control over you for it did not let you move. You wanted to meet with him, hips quivering from the process, but he was much too strong for your considerably weaker body.

Your endearing albeit cruel lover forever kept himself between the expanse of your legs. You imagined the display laid before him was obscene. From his view, you knew he would be enjoying it to the fullest when he pulled away from your close grasp. Watching you pant, needing air from the vigorous actions he performed on you, as you grasped onto the emerald green silk sheets below you. Your (H/c) hair plastered itself onto your sweaty forehead, the rest sprawled onto the pillow below you like a halo for an angel.

To him, you were an angel, a being that deserved love. While yes, making love to you was one of the deepest ways to show how much he loved you, it never seemed to be deep enough for him. He wished to commit something that would shake your very core and show you just how much he would do for you. If he was entirely honest he would kill for you. More startling than that, and something he would never admit to even himself is that he would die for you.

Oh God, the countless things he would do for you. Do to you to just show you how much he loved you. Even with his fractured mind, that had first initially begun to shatter when being admitted to that hell of an orphanage, he had a sliver of humanity within his split soul. It was a fragile strand of blood red coloured string that held him to the mortal world full of selflessness and morality. You were that string, that one little piece that connected him to the world and its mirage of purity and good. Imagining you dying would do more than break him, it would kill him.

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