3_antique bones

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That's how Sloane found herself sandwiched in a booth facing Edison and Zephyr. Zephyr wore a glare as Edison stared down at his drink, twirling the straw in the Diet Coke he ordered.

"How do you know him?" Henderson asked from next to her. She glanced down at her purple book at the question.

"Well he's the number one missing man in Bethlyn." She muttered finding Zephyrs eyes. He scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Oh that's rich. Something Presley would've wanted." He spit and flagged the waitress down, ordering a burger.

"What happened to him?" She asked looking around the table. Zephyr looked back at the table as Edison spoke up.

"He went out with his girlfriend to the yard. He never returned." Edison spoke as he chewed on his straw. Zephyrs jaw ticked as he looked at Edison.

"Is he dead?" Sloane asked. Henderson shook his head in a way that spoke 'no clue'.

"No one knows. She returned shaken up and won't speak to anyone. But he's gone. No signs, no evidence that he was ever there except a broken flashlight." Henderson sighed. She sat there in silence as Zephyrs burger was delivered and watched as he didn't touch it.

"You're not hungry?" Henderson asked and Zephyr scowled.

"This topic ruined my damn appetite." He grumbled.

"How do we talk to his girlfriend? Maybe I could do something." She asked the table, but mainly Henderson as he seems to be the only one who listens.

"No clue. She's been in and out of hospitals. They claim that she's mentally unstable, but I think she's seen something and no one believes her." Henderson shrugged grabbing a fry off of Zephyrs plate.

"Hands off, Jennings." Zephyr growled at him pulling his plate away.

"You're not eating it." Henderson shrugged and grabbed another.

"Mom and dad don't cook shit and god knows I don't cook shit so this is my dinner. So hands off." Zephyr threatened and Henderson threw is hands up as a truce.

"I've heard she goes to the yard. Maybe in hopes of seeing Presley?" Edison spoke up. His blue eyes seems so interested in what she had to say.

"Hopefully we'll catch her when we're there. Otherwise I'm not sure how to get her." Henderson sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

"I don't see the big stress of this guy. He really isn't hot shit. Mainly just a fucking douche," Zephyr spit standing up, "I'm leaving. I've got shit to get done."

None of them said anything as he walked away and out of the restaurant, flicking a $20 on the front table before leaving. Her eyes followed him all the way out of the store before leading back to the boys.

"Don't worry. He lives like two minutes away." Henderson brushed it off like no big deal. And she had no doubt that he could defend himself if something bad happened. Zephyr seemed like a guy who just didn't take any shit. He was moody, he was a dick, he was a douche bag just like how he described his brother. So how in hell was he friends with Henderson and Edison, both who seemed very chill and decent people.

"We're headed to the police station if you would like to join us." Henderson asked standing up.

"Actually, I should probably head home." Edison spoke as he shifted out of the booth.

"Are you sure? I could give you a ride." Henderson suggested and Edison shook his head.

"It's all right. I live like three streets over." He said and waved before leaving the two of us alone. Henderson sighed and shoved his hands in his jean pockets before turning to me.

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