Chapter 1

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I have Lung Cancer. I don't smoke or do any drugs to cause this horrible burrden. I was diagnosed with it about a year ago. But to make matters worse, it is terminal. The doctors say I have about a year. But that was a year and a half ago. As anybody with cancer I have Khemo once a week and a doctors appointment every two weeks. And everytime I go to the doctors they just smile and say anyday now.

I have no purpose or anything to look forward to in life. Until the day I meet Michael Clifford. He had Black and White hair at the time and it looked amazing on him. He kept looking at me during my session but I didn't mind his beautiful green eyes on me the whole time. He was sitting on the cushy chair just like mine. I thought maybe he was waiting but a doctor came in and handed him a cup of water and gave him a few papers but I saw Michael hand him a little piece of paper. He got up and walked out of the room and his doctor started walking towards me.

He gave me a little crumbled up piece of orange paper.

'Michael Clifford


I smiled and put the paper in my pocket. After my session was over, Dr. Chang (My Doctor) she handed me a cup of water and a couple of papers. Afterwards she turned away and walked out of the room. I stood up and looked at my mom. She gave me a weak smile and we both walked out if the room. We walked over to the elevator and I saw Michael across the way talking to an old lady in a wheelchair. He spotted and vase filled with yellow and blue flowers. He put his finger over his mouth shushing her. He looked around to see if anyone was looking and he snatched a blue flower and handed it to her. The old lady smiled and smelled the flower. He hugged her and walked the other way. That was super sweet of him.

When I got home I went straight to my room. I turned on my radio and I layer on my bed just scrolling through my twitter account. But then I remembered the piece of paper the doctor handed me earlier. I pulled it out and typed the number into the contacts. I clicked the save button and I clicked the text button.


I immediately get a text back. Which is good... I think.

"Hey, Who Is This?"

"Um... The Girl From The Hospital"


"Yes, Why Did You Give Me Your Number?" This Guy is like super sweet I can't help but smile at his next text.

" Well A Pretty Girl Like You Should Have A Friend Like Me In This Shithole World. Haha"

"Really. What If I Already Do?"

"Do You Want To Know How I Know You Don't? You Were Sitting Alone, That's How I Know."

This Michael guy is like super sweet and butterflies fill my stomach. He has the potential to be the one person in this world to truly make me smile.  But just like any pair of two teenagers would we stayed up until 5:30am just talking about nothing. He has Terminal tumors all over his body. But he says they are only the size of quarters. So I'm guessing they aren't as bad as mine. The ones lungs (one on each) are the size of golf balls. We talked about what we want to do in the future and how we want to go. He told me how his grandfather died of brain Cancer and his mom died of Breast cancer. I told him how I was the only person in my family to ever get Cancer. He told me how.many colors he has had in his hair. He wants to dye his hair as many colors as he can before he looses it all because of Khemo.

"Well My Phone Is About To die So I Will Charge It And Text You When I Wake Up Okay?"

"Okay But I Never Did Catch Your Name"

"Its Alyssa. Good Night Michael"

"Good Night Beautiful !"

I can't help but smile. No boy has ever called me that. I've been homeschooled ever since I was diagnosed. So I've never really talked to a boy. Other than the boy next door who took my ball and gave it to his dog. But those weren't very nice words. So I guess Michael is the first. I grab my phone charger and put my phone on the charger. I put it face down on the dresser next to my bed and I turned over. After 10 Minutes of Dozing off I got a text. It was from Michael!

"I Know Your Phone Is Going To Die Soon, But What Are You Doing Tomorrow Night?"

Is he asking me on a date? Butterflies fill my stomach and my heart drops. My mouth starts to water and I get a little nervous. I don't know why I am nervous he is a nice attractive young man and I deserve to go on a date.

"Nothing, Why?"

"Movies? "

"Are You Asking Me On A Date?"

"Yeah I Guess I Am, So Is That A Yes?"

"Most Definitely "

"Great! So Ill Pick You Up At 7:30ish. Where Do You Live?"

"3631 Roadsville B-12"

"Awesome! See You Tomorrow Alyssa."

I smile and I place my phone on my dresser. I close my eyes and within minutes I was sound asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2014 ⏰

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