Rant [Author note]

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I just want to start by saying if I start swearing I am sorry ♥️

I am going to do a Rant about the hate, the boys have been getting!!
The latest one I just found out is that in Andy's insta story (that he deleted) had a vape in the bottom left corner, does it fucking matters to you if he vapes or not? NO!! You don't need to control a 24 year old man, is he a child? NO! He is a grown ass man!! If not your fucking damn business if he vapes, drinks or anything, he is an adult and he is capible of doing his own things, he said in his live that he want to go on Twitter or Instagram to see nothing about him or the bad past he has done. And I agree with him... I honestly had enough of this hate, it's pissing me off.

Now I want to rant about the Rye's girlfriend situation, I just want to say that if they are dating, it's non of your business! Yes some of the Rye lane people are devestated that he (possibly) has a girlfriend, you just need to know that they are people too, also so what if she is Rye's girlfriend, if you are a real roadie, you would o accepted it and not spam it to him. Have you noticed he have been distant lately, well...

Also these boys have feeling too. You can be sad, they can too... you can be happy, they can too... you can be excited, they can too... you can feel hurt, they can too!

I am doing this rant because everytime I find about all this hate to the boys, it gives me anxiety every night
What if they break up because of the hate?
What if they do bad stuff to themselves?
What if they killed themselves because of it?

I know all of you roadies don't want that to happen, then why hate? Why do you have to express your bad feeling of them? When you can just keep it to your self?

Word count: 357
-Holly x

Guardian Angel ~ Jacklyn ~ Roadtrip - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now