Winter Wonderland - 29

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                       Brook's P.O.V.
"You ready to go Jack?" I shouted from downstairs.
"Where are we going agian?" he came downstairs, still in his pjs.
"You're not even ready yet" I laughed.
"I didn't know where we are going" he smiled, brightly.
"Go get dressed, we're going to the Winter Wonderland" I hugged him.
"I don't know what to wear"
"I'll help you, Jonky" I held out my hand and he accepted it.

We walked upstairs, hand in hand. Jack went in the bathroom to brush his teeth and style his hair, while I got his clothes ready.  I came across his black ripped jeans with his pale, nude Adidas hoodie and I found his Nike shoes.

                         Jack's P.O.V.
"Uggh" I shouted, frustrated with my hair.
"What's wrong?" I saw Brook's head come out from the door, from the mirror.
"I need help" I laughed.
"Alright, I'll help" he smiled and walked in.

He looked at my hair.
"Yeah, you do need help" he laughed.
"Hey, that was mean" I playfully slapped his arm.
"I'm only joking" he laughed. He was pushing down, this one strand of hair.
"It's won't go down" he laughed. I just smiled.
"Finally finished" he smiled.
"Beautiful, like always" he commented after. I blushed.
"Right, I have sorted out your clothes, go get ready, I'll be waiting for you down stairs."


                         Jack's P.O.V.
I'm currently on the train, I hate going on them but I'm in Brooks arms do I feel safe. I've always had dreams as a child, how you would crash and everyone dies, but me.
"You alright?" I heard a soft, feminine voice. I looked across and it was an old lady.
"Yes, I'm fine, thank you" I smiled at the nice woman.
"Okay, you just looked stressed"
"Nah, I'm alright" I smiled.
It was an awkward silence. The nice lady broke the quietness, agian.
"Is he your partner?" She pointed at Brook. I looked at him. He smiled. I smiled back.
"Yeah, he is my fiancé actually." The train stopped, it was our stop.
"I hope you live a happy life with him, bye"
"Bye" I smiled.

"She was nice, wasn't she?" I looked at Brook.
"Yeah, she was" He smiled.
I took his hand and we began to get there.

                          Brook's P.O.V.
"OH MY GOD! Can we go there?!" Jack shouted.
It was one of those loopy rides.
N to the O! Hell no! I am not going on that ride.
"You can, I'm not" I laughed.
"How come?"
"Have you seen it?"
"Oh, come in please?!"
"I can't do this alone"

That was the scariest ride, I have ever been in!
"That was so much fun!" Jack shouted.
"How was that fun?" I shouted, laughing.
"Your face was hilarious!"
"Shut up" I laughted

I hope you liked his chapter xx
Wordcount: 476
-Holly x

Guardian Angel ~ Jacklyn ~ Roadtrip - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now