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A/N: Sorry if this story is pretty slow..I'll work on it. Don't fret my fangirls. ~

Jack's POV~

I walk up to Sophi,who's talking to Jolie, I tap her shoulder. She qucikly turns around and smiles.

"Hey" Is all that gets out.

She giggles and says back, "Hey Jack."

I look over her shoulder at Jolie who looks bored. "C-Can I talk to you for a minute?"

She gets this surprised and nervous look on her face, "Uh, yeah sure..Private or can we talk here..?"

Sophi's POV~

"Private.." Okay, that scares me. What if something happened? What if I did something bad? Did I say something? Oh my gosh.. All of the "what if's" come rushing in my mind before he says, "Sophi?"

That zaps me back to reality, "Y-Yeah..Let's go."

I look back at Jolie who winks at me and waves. I gulp and continue walking out into the hallway with Jack.

He looks down at his feet, which I find extremely adorable.

"There's something important I've needed to tell you for so long.."

"Yeah..?" I respond simply, looking at his face that I can barely see since he's looking down.

He grabs my hand and looks up at me with his shiny blue eyes, "Ever since elementary school I've liked you..I know, it's wrong because your brother is my best friend. But I can't help it.. You're perfect, everything about you is perfect. I just-" He sighs and kisses my lips.

I don't kiss back for a second and then I realize what's happening. Jack Johnson, my bestfriend, has liked me all this long and I couldn't see past those gorgeous blue eyes. I kiss back and sparks fly. Yes, that's what all of those cliche stories say, but this time..It's true. I wrap my arms around his shoulders as he holds my waists. I smile through the kiss and feel him smile also. We lean our foreheads together and look at eachother, noticing how wonderful he is.

How could I not see this? All these years, only in a friend way. Now it's so much more..

Jolie's POV~ (wow i'm just switching up the POV's now aren't I?(; )

I slowly open the door and see Sophi and Jack hugging. They're so cute, oh my god. Sophi may not realize it, but I do..she likes him. Maybe even more.

I close the door to give them some privacy and feel a hand on my shoulder. I quickly spin around and face Matt.

I smile shyly as he says, "Hey Jolie.."

"Hi." I smiply say and continue walking back to my seat.

He grabs my hand and spins me around, "Are you free this weekend or something?"

Where'd he get all of this confidence?

"U-Uh, yeah..I am. What's up?" I ask. Play it cool Jolie.

"Nothing, just thought we could go to the movies or something.." He says, looks at me.

I blush a little and accept it. I hear the door creak open and see Sophi and Jack peak their heads in, I smile and walk over to Sophi, grabbing her arm.

"Soo, what happened?" I asked, nudging her.

"Well, stuff." She blushed and looked down at the ground.

"Pfft. Okay. Whatever.."


After the little hang out Matt comes over to me and says, "Maybe not the movies..Just come over to my house and we can hang out?" He smiles.

I smile back, "Yeah sure."


Hey. Yep. Its really short. Sorry. Only because I have school and stuff.. so yeah.

Uh, please vote and comment. :3



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