[1] "Hey, I'm Miles, Miles Morales.".

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School. Hell. Prison. I hate it.
Typically I would be late, but I'm actually taking my time and enjoying the day. It's early as hell but I could deal with it.
Oh, hi! I'm {Y/N}, {Y/N} {L/N}. I live in Brooklyn, as you can see. I kinda hate it here because of the fact that I have no friends. I'm 16, in highschool, and am nowhere near popular. Yeah, it sucks.
But when I met him it changed my life forever. He made me feel like I was important. I didn't care about the people around me at my school but when I stood next to him I felt this aura this urge to hold him in my arms.
And his name is.....
I ran. Ran as far as I can. The pain in my legs was rushing. My adrenaline was pumping through the veins and hit my hear like a punching bag, it hurt like hell. Tears flooded my eyes but it was barely noticeable because of the speed I was running. I soon turned the corner and tripped.
"Damnit! My shoe isn't tied! I didn't have time!", I said internally inside my head. I hurried back up and wanted to move faster, but ...


I felt something cold, and painful rush through my back. "AHHHHHHHHRRRGGHHH!!!", I screamed loud. The pain was unbearable. "FUUCK FUCK, HEEELLLP!", I said gasping for air. I started to lose my train of thought.

"Brooklyn Police, Freeze!", A man said. I felt his eyes gaze below down on me.

"Help me please!", I screamed, and gasping for life and hoping not to see the light that guides me.... I blacked out.

"Ugh.", I scratched my head. I woke up with cords coming from my hands, I hear a faint. *Beep.* *Beep*.
"Omg, I-I'm alive?!", I thought looking around the room. I touched my waist and,
"okay, that shit hurts. Well fuck, my mom is gonna-", Then I heard the sound I didn't want to hear.

The hospital

"{Y/N)!!! MY BABY!", My mother, {M/N} {L/N}, she works as a substitute teacher at some highschool. She haves trouble with men, and sometimes it makes me worried, but I love her anyway. "Oh my gosh! Are you okay?! How did this happen?!"

"She got shot." I saw a police officer leaning on the side of the door. "She was bleeding, a lot. If I wasn't there she would have died. Your lucky, {Y/N}."

"How do you know me?" I asked him with a jerk movements, but I forgotten the wound and I basically made myself feel like shit even more.

"Whenever I saw you in front of my house, my son, Miles, he noticed you. He said, 'I always see her at the park, with her siblings, screaming her name over and over. They are loud, it's hard to ignore.' He's a great boy." He explained.

"That's.. really embarrassing." I sighed. "Now I definitely have a reputation." My mom and the officer laugh.

"I'll be back sweetie. I'll go talk to the doctor, don't move." My mom said with a stern voice that made me send shivers down my spine. After she left the room went silent.

"Well, uh, the doctor said that you'll be out in a month or two. You remind me of a friend I had when I was your age. If you want, I could send my son to check up on you. Would that be okay?", The officer said making his way out the room. When he said that my body tensed up a bit. I started shaking. And little did I know, the officer took notice and smirked. "Don't worry, he doesn't bite. I promise that." I looked up on him and giggled.

"O-okay. I guess that's alright." I said studdering. "Thank you, officer?"

"Morales, officer Morales, but call me Mr. Morales. You have a good night {Y/N}, Miles will be over tomorrow." Mr. Morales said tipping his hat and closing the door behind him. I yawned and laied back.

"{Y/N}, I have yo-", my mom was cut off by the sound of her daughter snoring asleep after a long stressful night.

Next day

I wake up to the sound of birds chirping.
"Ew, the sound of peaceful birds makes me wanna die." I thought trying to be the emo kid. I yawned and stretched my arms out. I continued to look out the window. "It's beautiful." I said amazed by the clouds looked.

Miles POV

"Miles! Wake up!", I heard my lame dad say.

"Uggghhh.", I groaned wiping the slob off my face and confused if this is the year 3015. I slowly moved out of the bed because I hate getting up.

"Miles, we have to go!", My dad said knocking on my door. No, more like pounding in my case.

"Dad, dang. What's the deal? What's the problem?", I said checking my phone for the latest feed on PeekaBoo.

"We have to go to the hospital! We have some to see.", I hear the faint voice of my dad on the other side of my door.

"B-but mom doesn't work today.", I said confused and concerned. I got out of bed and opened the door. My dad standing there with a smirk. "Okay, now I'm more worried. What's going on?"

"We are going to see {Y/N}", my dad said. Her name just got me in shock. I was taken back by his words, my body grew stiff, and for some reason, I wanna know if she is okay.

"{Y-Y/N?}, Th-the one from last night?" I said shaky and I quicky looked on to the floor to avoid eye contact.
"Why did I just studder? What the crap is wrong with me?" I internally screamed.

"Miles, are you okay?", My dad said grabbing my shoulder. I felt his gaze on me but I kept looking down. "Okay, if you don't want to see her th-."

"NO!", I screamed. I dad looked and me confused. I cleared my throat. ".. no. I'm good dad, I was just... C-concerned. Yeah, so I'm gonna get dressed. See ya in 10 minutes?"

"Yeah su-." My got cut off by me slamming my door In his face.

"Oof, s-sorry Dad!", I screamed in a shakey tone.

"It's okay, be in the car at 10." He Said through the door, I heard footsteps fade. I flopped on my bed gazing at the ceiling.
"Why am I so scared? Maybe it's because you see her at the park all the time, you low-key think she it pretty, and you hate to see her in pain? Yeah."

Back at the hospital

We arrived at the hospital. In all honesty, I'm scared. But at least I'm gonna see her.

"Hey Miles, when you go in there, introduce yourself. It's a good way to start a conversation." My dad said giving me a pat on my bad. We stopped and read the following:
"Room 14 {Y/N} {L/N}"
"Go ahead Miles, she is okay. She won't bite, I can promise you that." He winked right after and turned around.

"Dad! Wait where are yo-?", I said but he couldn't hear me and went down the elevator.
"Great, thanks Dad. Leave me here."
I very hesitantly put my hand on the door and knocked.
"Wait, what she thinks your weird? What if she thinks your lame? Fix your hair ya dummy. What if she thinks you ugly.
What if..
What if ..?
What if... !?
WHAT IF...!?.

"H-hello? Is anyone there?", I heard her soft voice muffled through the door that made my hear melt. I opened the door and looked at her. "W-who are you?"

"H-hey, I'm Miles, Miles Morales."
Author notes:
Wow that is super long!
1309 words to be exact!
Would you like for me to continue?!
Was this to long?
I would love to hear suggestions! Thank you!!

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