Yes, Alpha.

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Above is the beautiful Maria Onstead:)

Maria's POV
Dean was driving with his hands gripped to the steering wheel and his knuckles were turning white. He was beyond pissed and I could care less. He deserves to be angry, he should be angry at him self for being such an asshole.

"Maria shut up inside that pretty little head of yours." Dick.

"Yes, alpha." I said ever so sweetly with a smirk on my face.

"You're impossible you know that?" He said directing his attention fully to me.
"Well I am so very sorry sir for upsetting you." I sat staring straight ahead, not even dating to meet his eyes. The timing of our fight couldn't come worse as we are 10 minutes away from his brother's house.

He moved his attention back to the road and I took my chance to ogle at his beauty. We had reached a red light as I turned my head ever so slightly and I found my self looking straight in his godly green eyes. My heart was aching to be touched, to be held by him. I needed his affection and I needed it soon.

I could feel myself becoming turn on and I quickly averted eye contact with him, in hopes that the feelings would go away. Oh I couldn't have been more wrong. I felt this aching burn that wouldn't stop. I hissed in pain, it was growing with each second.

"Maria, is everything alright?" He pulled the car to a safe stop off the road.
"Oh god Dean, I think I'm dying. It hurts. Oh make it stop please!" I now had tears springing left and right across my cheeks.

Dean grabbed my hand and it instantly ebbed the fired inferno in my body. "Dean, touch me please, hold me. It helps. Please make it go away."

"Baby I think you're in heat. You're burning and in need of my touch." He moved me so that I was sprawled across his lap and he continued to drive, "I need to get you to my brothers, he has an on demand were-doctor their for him and my sister. We need to get there fast."

After 5 excruciating minutes we reached his family's house. This is definitely not how I wanted to meet his sister and brother. Dean knocked on the door loudly, and with in a half second his brother opened the door swiftly. Wow they have a very similar resemblance, although you can tell they aren't exactly identical.

"Shane, this is Maria. She's my mate, she's unmarked and in a terrible pain that I suspect to be heat." I actually hadn't thought about it... Heat. But it happens after you are marked, and I'm not. I have no idea why this is happening to me at this time. It shouldn't be this way, it's too rushed. The only way to fully stop the heat was to mate. We had only just met, yes I love Dean, so much, it's just it is still early.

I could feel Dean in my head and he shot me a sympathetic look and started to consume me with his embrace.

"We have a spare cottage out in the back courtyard, take her there and Dr. Young will be right with you." I was so grateful for his hospitality for right now.

Dean nodded in thanks and headed out the back door with me in his arms. After a few minute walk to the house we walked in and there was the Doctor ready to check me out.

"Ms. Onstead, will you please have a seat in the bed." I did as he said and got out of Deans lap. I heard a low growl out of Dean and looked back to glare at him.

The doctor started to pull my shirt up to check my pulse, when all of the sudden he was no longer standing there. Instead he was pressed against the wall in struggle of Dean's death grip.

"Dean let him go now!" He looked back at me and looked back at the Doctor. So I got up and put my hands on his shoulders and felt the electrifying current run through our touch. Dean dropped the doctors neck and turned around to capture my lips with his. Dr. Young took that as his sign to rush out the door.

Dean threw me on the bed and started to unbutton his shirt while I did the same. The sexual tension in the air was suffocating and we needed to relieve ourselves of it.

Dean grabbed my waist and worked his hands around and down my hips. He pulled my pants right off and then it at the corner of the room.
"Are you sure?" He asked and it made me just want to shut him up.

"Positive now shut up and kiss me." with that he smirked and crushed his lips to mine. As our make out session intensified Dean brought his hands to the starting of my bra clasp and easily ripped it off. Then he trailed his fingers down my body and brought them to the hem of my panties. Again he ripped them off my body, leaving me completely bare to him.

He pulled away and I whimpered at the loss of touch. He only smirked which made me drip down there. he was so fucking hot. I will love this man for as long as I'm alive.

Dean started to slip his pants off along with his boxers.
"Beg for me Maria. Scream for me. Tell me what you want." Oh god he was turning me on so hard right now. Speaking of hard... his length was so long, so big. How would he fit inside me.

To this he only grinned, "please Dean I want you."
"Maria you already have me." Oh no. He wants me to say it.

"Dean I want you to fuck me now!" He smirked at me and said, "Your wish is my command."

Dean push his tip to my opening and started to push in. HOLY FUCK. THIS HURTS LIKE A BITCH!
"Dean oh my god, it hurts. I thought sex feels good." I whispered as tears rolled down my cheeks.

"Hush baby this is the only hard part." As he said that he used one powerful thrust and was in me fully.
Oh fuck this hurts, this is not what I imagined. To ebb the pain Dean brought his mouth down to my neck. I could feel the teeth sink in with a slight pain that was replaced by maximum pleasure.

"Faster baby, harder!" I screamed. Dean thrust in and out in a fast rhythm that was pulsating through out my veins.

"Oh god baby I'm going to cum. Oh I feel it." His eyes went as dark as coal.

"No. Maria, unless you want to be punished, you do not cum until you are told. Am I understood?" He was so dominating in the moment, and as much as I usually hated it, I just wanted to listen and not ruin the moment. Dean continued to pound into me with out a care in the world.

"Yes, Alpha." But as if when I said those two words everything backfired and I hit my climax and curled my toes as I gushed out all my juices. Dean followed and filled the condom he was wearing. He looked at me angrily.

"You disobeyed your Alpha. I will let you rest as of now, but come tomorrow night... You will be punished." I gulped and nodded. I've never seen this side of him, if he actually laid his hands on me I would be pissed, so let's hope he was only kidding, although he looked quite serious.

He turned me on like that but still, I'm not his property to tell what to do. Come tomorrow he'll learn that I'm serious about being equals.


Here you have it everyone:)

Two chapters in one night, I feel accomplished. Maybe I'll just start doing a chapter a day:)


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