Beacon Academy

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"Are you sure this is a good idea dad?" Brandon asks.

"You said you wanted to become a Huntsman. Don't worry, I believe you'll be fine." said Mark Morris, his dad. "Besides, I've attended here long ago. It's a great place to train yourself to become stronger. Also to practice on your Semblance."

Brandon looks at his hands then looks at his dad. "You're a Huntsman?" said with shock.

"For a little while. Ran 5 missions until I had to take care of you and your mother." Mark said as he looks up at the sky, stood silent for a little bit.

"I wish she would see me now. See me grow you know." Brandon said sadly.

Mark faces Brandon and points at his heart. "She is watching you. She will always be watching." As they arrived to Beacon Academy.


"Wow. So this is Beacon Academy huh." Brandon said as they walk towards the entrance.

"Yup. This place hasn't changed much. Looks the same back when I was your age. You're 17 right?" Mark confusingly said. Brandon looks at his father for a second then facepalms. "Yes." He mumbled.

"Oh my goodness! You are one year away from becoming an adult!" Mark hugs Brandon tightly, "My boy is growing up so fast." Mark said like he was going to cry.

"Okay. Off please. Where do we need to go?" Brandon said quietly because of the air being squeezed out from his body. Mark lets go.

"Well. We need to find Professor Ozpin." Mark responds while looking at the map.

"I believe who you are looking for, is in front of you Mark Morris." Both Mark and Brandon looks forward to see the Headmaster of the Academy, Professor Ozpin.

"Ah, Professor Ozpin. It's good to see you again." Mark smiles.

"Likewise. What has it been, 20 years?" Ozpin asks.

"Got no clue." Mark laughs it off. Ozpin looks at Brandon.

"Your father has, short-term memories. But you are pretty lucky to have a father like him." Ozpin said to Brandon.

"Of course I'm lucky. Just glad he's not forgetting my age or anything." Brandon scratching his head a little.

Ozpin reaches out his hand. "I am Professor Ozpin, the Headmaster of Beacon Academy. Pleasure to meet you Brandon Morris."

Brandon shook his hand. "Good to meet you. My name is... Well, you already said my name." He smiled.

Ozpin starts walking towards the academy entrance doors. "Well, shall we get started?"


At Headmaster's Office

"Welcome to Beacon Academy." Ozpin said while stacking the documents. "You can take a day off since class has already started and we haven't assign you a class yet. Glynda Goodwitch will show you to the ball room. We'll mail you your class with this." Ozpin gives Brandon a large scroll, which looks like a medium-sized tablet. Glynda signaling Brandon to get in the elevator and he went. Mark was about to follow Brandon to the elevator.

"Mark, do you have a minute?" Ozpin asks. Mark looks back at Brandon.

"I'll meet you guys there." Mark said. Glynda nods and the elevator closes. Mark walks back to Ozpin. "What is it Ozpin?"

"Its about Amanda. Sorry to hear about what happened."Said Ozpin

"Its fine. But is that all you want to talk about?" Mark asks.

"Of course not. But I want you to tell me, does Brandon know?" Ozpin asks

"About the Silver Eyed Warriors?" Mark said. Ozpin nods. "He already knew. He also knows that he's one of them and already in training with his ability." Mark explains.

"Exactly what is he training with his ability? All I seen is Silver Eyed Warriors using their eyes to make Grimm into stone." Ozpin questions.

"Using his energy from his silver eyes to his weapons, making his attacks and weapons stronger. He calls it, 'Silver Steel'" Mark concludes.

"Silver Steel huh." Ozpin mumbles to himself.

"Ozpin. Is it okay for Brandon to train here to become a Huntsman? He's strong but dangerous. I fear the students would get in the way, not to be rude." Mark said worrying.

"I believe he'll do fine here. Besides, we didn't just invite Brandon to our academy for nothing. A Huntsman saw Brandon fought a couple of Grimm while defending Linkin. He is pretty impressive." As Ozpin shows Mark the footage of Brandon killing the Grimm surrounding him. "I'm pretty sure Brandon will become a great Huntsman." Ozpin said.

"I believe he will. He just needs to find balance. Hopefully he can find it here." Mark said as he stands up.

"Well, we will talk some more in the near future. Right now I have to attend to a meeting. You can catch up with Brandon and Glynda. I believe you still know your way around the academy." Ozpin said.

"Of course I do. This was like my second home." As he went to the elevator.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2019 ⏰

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