Chapter 19

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Brooklyn's POV

My eyes fluttered open, greeted by a body hovering over me.

"Morning beautiful," Niall smiled.

"Morning Niall," I said, sitting up on the bed.

"What time do you wanna leave at?" I asked.

"Eh, whenever is fine. We can grab some breakfast if you want, shower and whatever else we need," he said.

"Okay, that sounds good. Wanna get room service?" I suggested.

"I would love to. I'll order," he replied.

"And I'll go take a shower and get ready," I responded.

"You don't have to get ready if you already look gorgeous," he said quietly, something I once again didn't think I was suppose to hear.

I grabbed a change of clothes and walked into the bathroom, locking the door behind me as I turned the shower on, the water slowly getting warmer. I stripped off my pajamas and stepped in. The warm water raced down my back as I scrubbed my head with the hotels complimentary shampoo and conditioner before rinsing it out and exiting the shower. I dried my hair with a towel as quick as I could, combing it out and blowing it dry with a hair drier. After changing into my clothes, I brushed my teeth and I took one last look at myself in the mirror, the light wash jeggings, a dark red fashion tank top, a long beige sweater, and my hair straightened.

"What time is it?" I asked Niall as I walked out.

He turned around, showing off his polo shirt and khaki pants.

"Almost eight thirty. Oh, and the food is here," he answered, dramatically showing off the table of food.

I laughed as I walked over, making a small dish with two pancakes and a piece of bacon, along with a small amount of fruit. I took a bite and a sip of my coffee, finishing fairly quickly. Although, somehow, Niall, who had at the least double the food I had, was done before me.

"Ready to go?" Niall asked after we cleaned up.

"Yeah," I sighed, grabbing my stuff as we walked out.

"You don't need to be nervous. In fact, you have no reason too."


"Brooke, I can tell you are nervous."

"Hope you enjoyed your stay, come again!" Ann said as we walked out and into the car.

"Niall, I don't know how I wouldn't be nervous. You have this happy little family and I have nobody. I don't know what to expect or how to act."

"You have me, and just be yourself. They will love you," he rubbed my back, pulling out of the parking lot and driving down the road.

"We will have a nice Thanksgiving and lots of time to spend together. It will be great," he continued.

"Okay," I sighed.

I only became more and more nervous the longer we were seated in the car, no matter all Niall's attempts to calm me down, I was practically shaking. I gulped as he parked at his little house in the drive way, me staying still.

"You coming?" Niall asked.

"Oh, um, yeah," I said, reluctantly stepping out of the car.

Niall grabbed my hand, dragging me over to the front door, opening it up and walked in. He squeezed my hand to give me reassurance, though my heart felt like it was going to burst out of my chest.

"They will love you," he said quietly, kissing me on the forehead.

I nodded in response as Niall called out his Moms name, letting her know that we had arrived. Suddenly, a woman ran into the foyer, engulfing Niall in a hug.

"Hi Mom," he laughed.

"It's so good to see you! How's college?" she asked as she released him.

"It's good," he kept his response short and simple.

"That's good! Oh, who is this lovely young lady? Is she your girlfriend?" she asked, the two of us blushing.

I bit my lip.

"Um, no. This is Brooke, Brooke this is my Mom," he broke the awkward silence.

"Well hello Brooke! Call me Maura!"

"Hi Maura, I'm Brooke," I laughed as Niall wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me close.

As the three of us made our way into the kitchen, I was introduced to Niall's bother Greg, his wife Denise, and their son Theo, as well as Niall's step dad, all very nice. Niall also explained to me that his Dad still lived in Ireland, but did still get along with everyone in the family.

"So what do you think?" Niall asked me, when everyone else was talking.

"Your family is so nice," I smiled.

"Well, I can tell they love you," he laughed.

And that made me feel ten times better.

Niall's POV

"Ni, can I pull you aside for a second?" Greg asked me while I was talking to Brooke.

I looked to Brooke for a second as she nodded for me to go with him, turning around to talk to the rest of my family. I followed Greg to his bedroom, shutting the door behind us, and taking a seat on his bed.

"Whose the girl?"

"Who? Brooke?"

"Yeah, you dating or something?"

"No," I replied.

"You wouldn't just bring a girl home for no reason," he responded.

I stayed quite.

"Do you like her?" he added on.

I could feel my cheeks becoming pink, a small smile appearing on my face.

"Maybe," I bit my lip.

"Okay yes," I continued when he didn't respond.

"My little brother is in love. Never thought this day would come," he joked around."

"Oh shut it," I hit his shoulder.

He laughed.

"Go hang with your girl," he said, standing up as I followed, the two of us going back down stairs.

When we reached the bottom, he held me back for a second.

"Do you want her to be your girlfriend?"

"Yes," I nodded.

"Then go for it."

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