December 11th

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Jake was having a seizure and Serika was Crying and the Doctor where trying to help him but then the Doctor came and said
Doctor: ur brother. And Boyfriend has 10 hours to wake up or he will Die
And Erika was crying but Sunny Was Crying so hard u can hear it outside and then Taylor cames
Taylor: what happens
Erika: Blondy has 10 hours to wake up or he will die
Taylor was Crying then Sunny goes to Jake room and sunny said
Sunny: please I cannot lose the only person who been there for with me I love u so much Jakey please please please
Jake try's to to wake up and then
Jake: S sunny
Sunny was Crying and Only Hug Jake hard
Jake: d d don't cry I will not Die yet
Jake rise his Hand And Take Her tears away
Then Taylor came and hug Jake and Sunny stayed with Sunny hugging him
Taylor: please don't don't don't die yet
Jake: I will not Die Yet because I have only 3 people who I only care about and it is this little troublemaker u and Erika
Then Erika came in and cried And runs to him and hug him with Taylor and Summy
Erika: Please please please, please don't die I need u I I I love u
Jake just kiss Erika on the lips
Jake: like I said to Sunny and Tayor I will not die yet because I have to live for 3 people in my life and that u baby Taylor and my only sibling that I love
Then Erika Sunny and Taylor stay all day with Jake and stayed there for the night And Sunny was in side Taylor in the other side and Erika on top of him
Find out what happened tomorrow and my 2 new book are coming out tomorrow get ready for it

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