Chapter 6

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Wanna see magic? Click on the little star and watch it turn to gold!


Once Grandpa finished talking about Victoria, he seemed worn out from all the talking. I knew if I said nothing, he would move on with the story, so I asked him if we could have a break. I used my drawing as my main excuse; I had wanted to finish it before he continued his tale. As he settles in his bed to take a short nap, I continued to draw and color in my pictures. Half an hour later, I finally finished and Grandpa had awoken. I drew the innocent-looking girl, how she was before. I drew the hungry flames devouring her home. I drew Victoria with red hair and haunted eyes, eyes that held a determination and passion towards something. And last, I drew a girl emerging from flames with wings attached to her back.

I cleared away all of my supplies and sat on the bed waiting for my Grandfather to say something.

"Would you like to stay the night, Timothy?" Stunned by the sudden question, I didn't know what to say. I've never stayed over in the Home before, but then again I never asked before.

"Y-yes I would. But would Mom and Dad be okay with it?" I asked out of curiosity.

"I've already asked them beforehand, and they have agreed to it. They will bring some of your things for you, later on, child." It relieved me to hear this news, and happily, I got to spend more time with my Grandfather.

"For now, shall we continue Victoria's tale as the Phoenix Girl?"

"Yes, we should," I replied happily.

"Victoria lived the harsh life, as you already know. But that never seemed to get her down at school. When anyone said anything about her or her father, she would smile at them and just brush it off as if it was nothing. I remember asking her why she said nothing back to them. She said something like, "Because a person will think of what they think, even if it is wrong. For it is hard to admit a mistake. I will allow them to say what they want because their opinions do not matter to me. Do you believe in those rumors?" I said that I did not. She was an A student, she was kind, and she helped anyone in need. I guess that's what made many come to love and accept her. Many guys had asked her out, but she would never say yes. Some said it was because of her abusive father, some said it was just because she wasn't interested in relationships. But I may have been the only one who knew the truth. She feared to be in a relationship. She feared what the other person would do to her. Her father didn't really show her a good example of how a man was supposed to treat his wife or girl. She also was in one of those school bands. She was the vocalist and played the acoustic guitar. She played at school celebrations and events. Though it was her greatest passion and her way of escaping the sad reality, it was also the turning point of her life."

He stopped talking and catches his breath. I took this sign that we were done with the story for today. I put my journal back into his foot chest and cleared off his bed. I looked at the small clock hanging on the wall and noticed how late it was already. Time really flew by quickly.

"The next part of the story is not one that should be told before you go to bed, my child. We will finish it tomorrow, I promise. Your mother must be close soon to drop off your things. Why don't you greet her at the entrance? I fear I cannot move from this bed just yet." I followed his directions and walked out to the foyer of the Home and waited for my Mom's arrival. While I waited, I watched all the other Elders sitting down talking or watching t. v., I wondered if their family also came to visit them. I was too focused on watching them that when someone touched my shoulder, I jumped out of fear. To my surprise, it wasn't my mother who touched me, let alone came. Instead, I saw the man who feared walking into the Home. My Father smiled shyly as if being caught doing something he should not have been. I couldn't help the smile that grew on my face seeing him.

"Here's your thing, Timothy. There is a change of clothes. Also, some snacks in case you get hungry later on or in the morning." He said, with his smile growing, as he handed me the backpack. I smiled back and nodded, noticing he looked much calmer and relaxed. He said he would be right back, that he would visit his father and asked me if I could wait outside of the room until he came back out. I smiled secretly and nodded in understanding. He's visited his Father before but usually, it was an awkward atmosphere. Now it looked like everything would be okay between them. I waited patiently for my Dad to come back, and when he did, I could have sworn I had never seen him happier in all of my life.

"I'm leaving now so take good care of him." He said ruffling my hair and giving me a hug. I hugged him back, promising that I would. After a few more hugs and exchanges of goodbyes, we both went our separate ways for until tomorrow. I made my way back to Grandpa's room and saw him settling into bed, leaving a spot near his small window for me to sleep. I walked up to the bed and laid down next to him, making myself comfortable as we settled into a pleasing silence. I felt content being by his side tonight, and I hoped he did so.

"It's been so long since I had someone sleeping by my side. When your father was a young boy, he would always sleep by my side just like this. And we would watch the stars through the window, just like now." He pointed out of the window and sure enough, there were millions of stars decorating the night sky. "Did you know, every star you see in the night sky is loved who has passed away. They stay up there, waiting for their soulmate to come and meet them, and when you see a shooting star, it is both soulmates being reunited once again." I said nothing, for the truth was I did not know what to say. I just stayed quiet and listened to him speak of the stars so fondly.

"It's a funny thing you know, no matter how old this earth gets, some things just never change or go away. Here I am, laying down, growing older with every passing second, yet those stars never seem to get older as the years, months, days, hours, minutes, or seconds pass by. They seem to glow brighter every night. Maybe... just maybe, one my time comes, there will be a shooting star for me. Maybe my love will meet me and take me away with her. That would be a beautiful ending to my story, don't you think?" I turned my head towards him, thinking of an answer, but I didn't give him one. I looked carefully and watched as he looked out of the small window as if he wasn't lying down on a bed, staring out of the window. He looked as if he was already outside, standing on top of a small hill in a valley, underneath all of those stars. His eyes looked so far away, there was a whole other world in them. He wasn't here anymore, rather he was reaching out towards that night sky, reaching out to grab something, or let someone grab his hand and bring him to their world.

"As you get older, you forget many things, even important things. And it's hard to remember them or hold on to it for as long as you can." Grandpa looked at me for only a moment before looking back out of the window. In that short moment, so many emotions were coursing through his eyes as he continues to speak, "There was once a girl who played the violin so beautifully. She en-captured everyone under a spell as she played her songs, but there was one man who fell in love with the aura she presented the minute she went on the stage. After an unfortunate accident, the musical goddess lost her sight and could no longer see the strings on her violin. She thought her life was over and that they would forget her, but the one person who stayed by her side promised to never forget her. Because of that promise, she had the willpower to try again, and even though she couldn't see she played her melody by memory." He let out a deep sigh and turned his body away from the window. I thought he was about to go to sleep, so I too dozed off feeling his warmth. But before I passed out, then he spoke for the last time that night,

"If you have even just one person who you can count on always stay by your side, life can be a magical place for you. There could be millions of people who promise to always be there, but no matter what, when those people think about you, or talk of you, just know it's a sign. A sign that you'll never be forgotten, you'll always be remembered. So share all of your talents and stories. I will never forget them for sure."

And with those last words, I fell into a deep sleep, thinking and dreaming of his tale and words. I knew I would cherish those words for a long time, and I would seek comfort in them later.

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