He's With Me

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First book on this new account, it's inspired by the movie If I Stay that I just watched today. I hope you guys like it!

Day 1:

When I woke up it was raining. Not like a light kind of rain that was gone in 10 minutes, but a pounding rain like fog. I immediatly went to my dresser and grabbed my notebook, starting to write whatever came to mind. 

I write the best when it's raining. Just like a superhero performs the best with it's sidekick. I wouldn't say I was bad at writing when it wasn't raining, but I wasn't the best. The rain calms me for some reason, I'm still trying to figure out why.

The first thing that came to mind was today. I wanted to write down all of the feelings I got from looking out the window. How I wanted to go outside in the rain for hours, and hours. Just studying the sky, and the water droplets on my hands and my hair, and on the sidewalk.

After I was done writing what I could I got ready. I was just wearing sweats and my hair was in some awkward ponytail. I had a jean jacket on and this really large tank top flanel. I also had my flip flops on in 49 degree weather.

My parents were gone when I came downstairs, they just left me a note.

"Julia, make sure to go to school today and grab your papers for our vacation. Remember were leaving for a month from September 20th to October 20th. Have a great day at school, honey."

After I got all ready I left for school. I sat in my car a little bit and wrote until it was 10 minutes until classtime. When I got out of my car I saw my friends waiting at the entrance.

"Hey Jules! What's up?" My friend Angie said. "Eh. I have to get all my papers today and then leave school early. Did I tell you guys I'm going on a holiday for a month? I'm going to America. My parents had work there so they decided to bring me. I'm going to a school over there though for a couple weeks." I said. They all looked shocked like I just told them their parents died or their phone died and they needed a new one but all of the companies closed down.

"What? It's just for a little while. I'll be back before you know it." I said to them. They still had surprised expressions on their face. I guess I can see why- my family NEVER goes on vacations. I mean NEVER. I haven't even been 100 miles away from my house.

The bell rang, signaling that everyone should get to their first core of the day. I went to Science, getting my papers for the month. Then I went to all of the other classes I had and got my papers. I was done within 15 minutes, and I now had a stack of 1000 papers with some new books and project details. After I lugged the stack of books to my car, I drove home and went to bed. The time difference from Australia to America was going to be dreadful.

The next day at the airport

"Julie, can you grab my coat?" My dad asked me. We were sitting on those hard plastic chairs they have in the airport waiting section. It was 5 in the morning and our flight aired at 5:30. All my friends got up early to text me, so we were currently playing online truth or dare.

Angie: Jules, truth or dare?

Me: Dare, and make it good.

Molly: You should know by now that you shouldn't pick dares around Angie. Remember Christmas?

Angie: Okay Julie. I dare you to go over to Starbucks and order yourself a beet- juice smoothie.

Sky: Make sure to film it.

I stopped texting and went to my camera app, starting to record it. Starbucks was just around the corner, and by the looks of it there was barely anyone in there.

"Hi, how can I help you?" A woman said once I got in. "Yeah can I have a beet- juice smoothie please?" She looked shocked, and then looked to her other employees on their break who were watching us. Everyone else in the store also looked around, directly at me. Apparently I have a loud voice.

"I'm sorry Miss but I don't think we have those here. Is  there anything else I can get you?" The woman asked, still looking shocked.

"Flight 207 to America you are now boarding." An announcer said on the speaker, luckily I didn't have to say anything else. I grabbed my bag and ran out of Starbucks, stopping the video. When I finally got to the boarding section and found my family I was panting. 

"Where did you go?" My little brother James asked. "Starbucks." I said, he looked at me weirdly, considering I didn't bring anything with me from my trip. Once me and my family got on the plane, I sat down. My sister May sat next to me, my parents sat behind us, and my brother sat across from us along with some old man. After we got off in the air and it was safe to use electronics, I put my earbuds in and went on twitter.

This flight was going to be long, but hopefully it will be worth it. 

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