Freddie: You Overhear Him Talking About You

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Freddie: You're positioned on the outside of the recording studio with your ear pressed to the door, just able to peer inside. You look on with concern as Freddie leans his head into his hands as he sits at the piano in the recording studio queen has occupied for the last 7 hours. "I know guys, I'm sorry. I am struggling to put it into words. I need to have this song dong before (y/n)'s birthday and the pressure of it all is really going to my head."

Brian, John, and Roger are exhausted from the process and just want to finish up so he can go home. Brian sighs and then carefully asks, "Freddie, what's the big deal. You've been dating for almost 6 months now; she is going to love the song no matter what simply because it is coming from you."

Freddie looks up from his hands with weary eyes and heaves a sigh, "I know, I just can't stand to give her the bare minimum when she is...well, how do I put it...erm...she's the best thing to ever happen to me. You guys have known me long enough to know I get my way often and that I have more material things than most men could ever hope to achieve. But being with (y/n) has seriously begun to alter my outlook on life. I am doing crazy things you guys. I even started having Joe give me a lesson or two on how to cook simply because I want to make her smile. When she smiles my heart stops and putting that into a song, as cheesy as it sounds, is almost impossible."

Roger walks over and ruffles Freddie's hair, "you're just going to have to try, okay? Know what I think would help?"

Freddie shakes his head, confused as Roger points to the door. Your eyes bulge as you've been caught.

"You little bugger!" Freddie remarks. You can't stop yourself from dashing in and running to his arms with flushed cheeks and a grin stretching ear to ear. 

A/N: How do you all like the length of this as an imagine? Too Long? Too Short? I am very new at this so maybe it's total rubbish, and have never written any type of fanfic, so I would love constructive criticism. I am going to put up this prompt for the other band members as well, but please comment below with suggestions for imagines or one shots and vote on this! Lots of love-Emma

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