John: He Comforts You When You Have A Nightmare

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John's P.O.V.

I watch as (y/n) thrashes fitfully in her sleep. I feel guilty being amused, but this is exactly what I mean when I always tease her that she is a violent sleeper. She has completely thrown the white duvet off of our shared King Sized bed, has stolen every pillow in sight for herself, and....has now kicked me far too close to my groin for comfort. I believe it's time to wake her from this bad dream, whatever it may be.

Leaning close to her, I rest my head on her right shoulder and sneak a gentle kiss to her cheek. I am about to open my mouth to whisper "wake up, love" when something startling leaves her lips.

"No, don't leave me. John please..." she whimpers.

Your P.O.V.

There is a sense of surreal complexity surrounding me, faint glowing lights and wispy, unclear images make up my immediate surroundings. Other than the distant lights and the glimmering silhouette of an unknown figure, I am shrouded in absolute darkness. I feel anxious and alone, unsure of where I am and what is reality versus fantasy.

Then the figure steps forth slightly, becoming more discernible within my line of sight. Could that be who I think it is?

"John..." I call out hesitantly. Then I call again to him, louder this time. A sense of desperation takes over for in this moment all I know is I want to leave this place and it seems, in my gut, that he is my only way out.

He doesn't hear me. Turning away he begins to walk towards the lights and away from me. My feet are frozen in place, looking down I see two large cement blocks where my feet should be. Imploring him to stop, I shout in his direction; again, he does not hear or even glance back.

I break out in a cold sweat, tears forming in my confused eyes. Why is he walking away? An overwhelming sense of abandonment takes over, and all I can do is whimper "No, don't leave me. John please..."

The world begins to shake around me as the pieces of the bewildering atmosphere breaks into pieces and drifts away. What is happening? Am I going to die right now, alone and confused? My eyes slowly open and I soon realize the shaking is coming from my concerned boyfriend, the one from the dream, yes, my sweet John. Quickly, I cling to him and nuzzle into his welcoming arms, desperate to forget the dream I just had, and have been having almost every night of this tour so far. My therapist warned me that this tour would be stressful and could trigger the nightmares I have always had even before meeting John due to my abandonment issues, but I of course didn't take her seriously. However, we we are getting to a point now where I fear John may start asking questions.

John's P.O.V.

I look down at the girl in my arms, hardly even recognizing her as my sweet (y/n). The poor thing looks shaken up and crazed. She must have had an awful dream...come to think of it, she has been restless almost every night, maybe this is a repeat occurrence, I think to myself.

"Love," I start only to be cut off by (y/n) lifting her head up to kiss me gently on the lips, silencing me for a moment.

She draws back and whispers, "I know you're worried, John. Hell, I would be worried too. Would you believe me if I told you the best thing you could do for me is just give me a little reassurance? I know we spoke about my past and certain things that weigh on me more heavily than others, and if this is something you can't handle and need some space I totally understand, and...."

I cup her face in mine, cutting her sentence short. "(y/n)," I murmur "I do not need space nor do I wish to leave you. I have told you a million times and I will tell you a million more that I am in this to stay. Settling down with you and having you by my side is the best choice I have made, and believe me I have had a lot of good choices that resulted in great things happening to me in my life time. Every time I see Roger, Brian, and Fred living the rock star life I do not feel jealousy, but rather contentment because I have found my forever in you. How else would you like me to reassure you my love?" I kiss the tip of her nose.

"Nothing else will be necessary, thank you John," she looks down, embarrassed. I squeeze her hips causing her to yelp and grab at my hands. "Stop it!" she squeals.

"You're going to have to be a bit more believable than that," I remark.

A cheeky grin appears on her face as she shoves my chest. "I love you. I do hope you know that, John." Rolling around in the blankets we exchange kisses and playful remarks. Happy my girl is back, I sigh contentedly and relax with her for a few hours before the next busy tour day begins.

A/N: Switchin' up the order on you all! Thank you so much--almost to 1000 reads which is just incredible. I know this one was a bit shorter, but I hope you all enjoy Going to finish up with the other boys on this request then I will have another prompt out to you as soon as possible! <3

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