Chapter 2

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           "What is it that your Uncle did to you?" He asked. "That is a story for another time Monsieur." I said, not wanting to delve into details of a painful past. He nodded, sensing I didn't want to talk about it. "I would not like to ask this of you but if it came to it do you think you could steal Raoul from her?" He asked. "I...don't think I could do that to her. It would ruin our friendship. Shatter it from the core." I said, looking at the piano keys in place of looking at him. I didn't want to disappoint the  man who had helped us and taught us our voices but I refused to hurt Christine that way. "I see." He said. "Is that all you wished to ask me? You could have spoken to me in my room. No one else is near." I said. "I suppose I could have. Passing people could have heard and spread rumors of you." He said. "Ah, yes. The late crew. They could have couldn't they? I suppose I thank you for that then." I said, standing. 

         He stood and placed mask piece back on. "I'll return you to your room. You'll come here tomorrow night and we will discuss how and when we will get Christine here and how I should go about wooing her." He said. "As you wish Monsieur." I said and allowed him to lead me back to my room. Once there he left almost immediately and I sighed as I lay in my bed. I wondered how Christine would take knowing her Angel was the Phantom all this time. I turned onto my side and quickly fell asleep. 

            The next day I woke and got ready, we were going to have the show tomorrow and today was to be the last recital. I slipped on my ballet shoes and sighed as I walked out my black curls bouncing as I sped through the halls to the stage. "Estel!" Christine called out as I came into view. "Good morning Estel." Meg said, smiling, "Morning you two. Are you excited Christine?" I asked. "More nervous than anything." She said, giving a small smile. "You'll do beautifully. I just know it." Meg said, clasping Christine's hands in hers. We giggled a bit until we were told to get into position for the recital. We did as told and Meg and I gave Christine encouraging smiles. 

           After recital we were gathered on the stage where the new managers and the Patron Raoul were giving a small speech about how they believed in us and that they were sure the show would go smoothly, even without Carlotta. After they dispersed I seen Christine trying to head towards Raoul and so I walked towards him, reaching him first as she was swept away from by the others performers. "Monsieur, could I have a word with you a moment?" I asked. "Of course, what is it you need?" He said kindly, turning his attention from the disappearing Christine to me. "Miss Daae is a friend of mine. She spoke of a boy named Raoul De Chagny when we were younger. Would that happen to be you?" I asked. This question would give me information to pass on to the Phantom. 

           "So she does remember me?" He asked. "Well. I'm not sure of that Monsieur. She hasn't spoken of you since we were about eleven years of age. I take that as it was you she spoke of then." I said and chuckled. "It was. She never mentioned you though." He said. "Oh, that would be because I became her friend the day we moved here together. We arrived here the same day for different reasons for the most part but both of us are orphans." I said and smiled. "Your parents died as well?" He asked. "Disowned me. The reason is personal." I said and smiled sadly. "Well I look forward to seeing the performance tomorrow night." He said heading passed me, undoubtedly heading for Christine. "Viscount De Chagny. I wouldn't go see her tonight. She has a lot on her mind Monsieur and the reappearance and the fact that you remember her might overwhelm her.  You do want her to be at her best tomorrow do you not?" I asked. 

           After dodging that bullet and heading back to my room I changed into something for everyday wear. I wore a simple red dress made of cotton. I draped my cloak over my shoulders and pulled the hood over my head. I looked out my door and looked around and darted for the horse stables when I seen no one. 

          "One horse please." I said and handed the stable worker a bag of coins. He nodded and led me to a saddled horse. Once on I rode it to the place I needed to be. I wasn't by any means poor. My grandmother left me her fortune and left my parents nothing after learning they disowned me because of what happened but I didn't like spending the money. No one in the Opera House knew aside from Christine and Meg. I arrived at the small school and smiled. I was the music teacher here twice a week. I worked closely with a couple of other girls who started this little school for the poor boys and girls. Julie taught them to read and write and Sam taught them basic math and some crafts. I was the Music teacher.

          I put the horse away and walked into the small building, the little children turning their attention to me and beaming as I took the cloak from my face and then hung it on a hook next to the door. "Miss Knights here children!" Sam said and the kids smiled happily. "You know you're their favorite teacher here right?" Sam said and Julie walked in, smiling at me. "Alright kids. Come now. Let's get in our little rows." I said and smiled. The old, slightly out of tune piano was drug to the middle of the room. "Let's start with some scales today." I said and they beamed at me, eager to begin. 

          After the scales and helping the children adjust I began having them sing nursery rhymes. "You guys are doing wonderful." I said and smiled. "Miss Knight, would you sing for us?" Kristen asked, a young girl upfront, her small blonde pigtails bouncing with her. "I don't see an issue with it." I said and straightened my back the children sitting and listening intently. I struck a few chords and then began playing and singing the solo Think of Me that Christine would be performing tomorrow night. 

           After the small performance I stood and looked at the clock. "Alright children. I have to go. I'll e back here in three days. I promise." I said and they whined a bit but nodded. "Be sure to practice your scales at home. When I come back I will have each of you perform them to the class." I said, slipping my cloak back on and heading out. I gto back on my horse and headed back to the Opera House. I was already late and passed curfew but time went by so quickly with the children. I smiled as I handed the reigns over to the stable boy and rushed around the back. I hid against the wall as voices reached me. Suddenly hands covered my mouth and I was being drug back into the darkness. I struggled, tears running down my face as memories hit me again and then I was released and the corridor I stood in, or tunnel, was lit up with candle light. 

           "Why were you struggling?" Phantom asked. "Why would I not when I know not who was dragging me through the dark? Was I supposed to just let someone  drag me into a dark tunnel?" I asked. "I suppose not. Next time I'll just get your attention or something. Anyhow, where were you? I was looking for you and an hour has passed since I began." He asked. "I was at a school." I said. "A school? What for?" He asked. "I teach Music there twice a week. The Opera House knows nothing of it. If they did they would surely toss me out." I said as he led me to his lair. "You teach Music? Is the school funded?" He asked. "No, it's a secret school for the poor children. I would fund it myself but I cannot have my name on anything. So I do the best I can and purchase the things needed to teach them and I go twice a week and teach them music." I said and he nodded as we entered his small living quarters. 

           And how does a lowly chorus girl have money enough to even buy things to teach poor children?" He asked. "My last name is Knight. After learning the reason my parents disowned me my grandmother left me her fortune. I tend not to use it often, only when needed. I love this place. I wouldn't ever leave where I am here." I said and smiled sadly. "Anyway, I have news." I said. 

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