Ch. 1 that day

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It was July 18th I was exited about this day. Hi my name is Brittany I'm 18, I've always dreamed bout meeting cameron Dallas. But I never knew one day I would. So back to July 18th that was the day I met Cameron it was in California I was walking to walmart and their I saw a big black limo. Come out of it, I saw all my favorite viners. But as soon as I saw cameron I kinda freaked out a little.. Ok like a lot. He looked at me and he stared at me for what seemed like forever! I was staring too. I was surprised when he walked up to me and said, you are the most beautiful girl on earth! Would you like to be my girlfriend? At that moment.. I woke up.

Then the real story happened. I went to magcon and I was kinda freaking out cause I knew I was gonna meet cameron there. I walked up to him and he looked at me in amazement and I thought I was dreaming I really did. but I wasn't he said you are beautiful, hugged me and kissed me on the cheek and along with his name he put his number. So I kinda freaked out.. And I went home and called him. He answered he said "hello?" I said hi he said "who is this?" I told him.. We talked on the phone the whole night and he said he would like to go on a date with me on the date, he said he loved me and that we would get married at that point I thaught I was pretty beautiful if Cameron Dallas loves me and now we live together we are married and we have 2 kids a boy and a girl both beautiful and we love each other more than ever and that is the story of me and cameron. No I'm just kidding but that's what I wish would happen :) bye

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2014 ⏰

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