Chap 8: Camps and Plans

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"eh, wait... WHY ARE YOU GUYS HERE!?" shouted kiba pointing at the three genins who were just as shocked as he was.

"we should be asking that!"

Now, all of you may be confused as to what the irene is happening but you see, let me explain the situation. Remember last chapter whe-- ah... Right, the fourth wall. Ahem, remember when the exercise started and team blue was going to find a place to camp? and team green found a perfect place to camp?

WELL MINA-SAN, TAKE OUT A POT AND A MAGIC WAND BECAUSE WERE GOING TO BE BREWING A MAGICAL SPELL. Now, add one table spoon of fate, a cup of luck and maybe a dash of reader-san's interests and POOF, there we have it, this situation magically appears!

Shikamaru sighed "this is so troublesome" he muttered under his breath.

"might as well leave before we force you out!" stated kiba pointing a kunai at them. Kiba grinned while sasuke narrowed his eyes.

"you think it will be that easy?" asked sasuke taking out a kunai as well.

"I may like you but I wont go easy on you" the pink haired kunoichi said and rushed to the uchiha.

"yeah! were gonna kick some ass!"


"ah! were so lucky we found a nice place to camp!" exclaimed ino joyfully while stretching.

"mhm!" nodded her blonde teammate, at least for this exercise, while still having fish stuffed in his mouth.

Truth be told, the only reason they didn't bump with another team like the other two was because naruto knew that the place team green had found was the easiest and nearest shelter in the forest and so, of course, team blue met them and are currently in a battle with each other. How did the blonde know this you ask? well, he has his sources.

"aw, your always so cute, naru-chan!" shouted the blonde haired genin while hugging him.

"he he, thanks ino-chan!" grinned naruto.


Cute! he's always so adorable no matter what the situation.... or at least I used to think. Don't get me wrong, he is still the most kawaii blonde in my mind but its just that, when we fought that beast of some sort, he seemed kinda . . . scary.

The way he looked at it with such cold, dead eyes. It scared the shit out of me. I didn't mention it to him and probably never will since it was just a fraction of a second when I saw it. I could even pass it off as my imagination but at the same time I can't, I refuse to believe it was true yet I can't say that its not.

That glare, if it even was one, was just too strong. Too . . . dead.

I can't seem to get my mind off it. I mean, yeah sure, everyone has another side to them they don't want others to see but even so, for naruto, the naruto uzumaki to be that cold is kinda... unbelievable.

"so, what are we going to do now?" asked shino.

Since things didn't go as planned I guess we have to think of another one, eh? But I think all we have left to do is rest and wait for the sun to rise and at least steal one ribbon.

Although it might be hard because in team blue, they have sasuke-kun, the top rookie and pridogy from the uchiha clan and in team green they have shikamaru, although lazy, he can think up one hell of a smart plan, he is the heir of the nara clan after all.

"I think we should rest for now" I suggest. Naruto nodded.

"yeah, it is getting dark and im sure the other teams are already settled in" he stated. Shino nodded.



Kiba panted as he landed on the dirt after being hit by choji. Sakura rushed towards him and helped him up, with much difficulty.

Shikamaru gritted his teeth as he trapped the uchiha in his shadow paralysis. He was struggling and he has to admit, the guy put up one hell of a big fight.

Another crash caused the ground to shake slightly, sasuke used this chance to escape as the shadow finally snapped. Shikamaru 'tsk'ed.

Sakura let out a scream as she went to punch choji but he dodged, as he did so, hinata ran at her with her byakugan. She went to hit the bubblegum haired girl but she blocked with her arm, injuring her in the process.

Akamaru went to attack sasuke, the male was about to cast a fire jutsu when he sensed an attack from behind, he took out a kunai and used it to block the shuriken.

He then moved away as akamaru turned into kiba, revealing the dog to just be a henge as the bruenette landed a punch on sasuke. He gritted his teeth and used the kunai to swipe kiba's abdomen, the male though tried to dodge but still earned a wound in his right shoulder.

Hinata and sakura engaged in a taijutsu battle with the hyuuga wining with the help of her byakugan.

The pink haired girl swiped the other's feet, she did a flip to avoid falling. Sakura quickly ran towards hinata as they threw punch after punch, block after block.

Choji enlarged his hands as he tried to capture shikamaru, the male however, had already ran away and was now trying to reach the other with a shadow.

Choji jumped out of the way and landed in a place where there were no shadows. A kunai was thrown at him which forced him to sidestep. Once his foot landed though, he was caught in a shadow paralysis, shikamaru walked out of the shadows with a smirk.

His hand suddenly moved, raising itself as he walked, against his will, towards the two girls.

"sakura!" alerted the shadow user as her head snapped to them. Hinata also looked to see, the pink haired girl used this chance to land a punch which made her fall back as the other ran away.

She was about to stand and chase after the pink haired girl but a shadow loomed over her, slamming itself down.

She struggled as the shaking arm of her friend grabbed her in a tight grip, she noticed a shadow connecting to a certain nara.

Sakura quickly ran to kiba in order to assist him with his battle. The inuzuka was currently exchanging blows with the uchiha.

Sasuke jumped away and cast a fireball jutsu, kiba jumped away, beside sakura who threw kunais at sasuke to put him off.

"sakura, kiba, plan C!" shouted shikamaru from his place, still holding down sasuke's two teammates.

"you know I can't memorize our plans!" exclaimed kiba as he ruffled his hair.

"he means..." sakura whisphered into kiba's ear, the brunette nodded along as he suddenly gained an enlightened look as sakura pulled away.

"got it?"

"got it"


"oh, look, here it is!" exclaimed sakura as she took out a blue ribbon from sasuke's pocket. The said uchiha 'tch'ed.

The three were now tied down and rendered immobile.

"troublesome, now we should rest and replenish our energy" he took a sneaking glance at team blue "team black will surely be coming to us sooner or later" he stated, 'naruto may not seem like it but he's smart, possibly even more so than me so he has most likely come up with a plan by now'

Sakura nodded "alright"

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