Chap 8: The True Predator

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Team blue which consist of sasuke, hinata and chouji were now rushing to who knows where, the moment the signal was given they just rushed inside as to not get left behind without a plan, this just shows how inexperienced they are. Smart but inexperienced.

Sasuke sighed, at the rate they were going at they would probably fail. He stoped making the others stop as well.

"sasuke-san?" (I don't know how hinata would address sasuke but I figured i'd be -san since their not close and hinata's shy accompanied by sasuke's serious aura) hinata asked when their leader stopped, it was an unspoken agreement, they just knew uchihas like to be in control.

They also gave him their ribbon since he was strongest and smartest among them, that's not to say the others are incapable, he was just the most capable.

"let's find shelter first" he stated. He knew that the other two would understand him, they were smart, not as smart as him of course but they weren't stupid.

The other two nodded, now that they think about it finding shelter is the best course of action at the moment, they can't just run in blind, so they hopped down the branch they were standing on and started searching for a possible shelter.


Team green consisting of sakura, kiba and shikamaru rested in a little cave they found, it had just enough space.

Shikamaru, being the smartest one, suggested that they find shelter first before the exercise even started, after some shouting from kiba, hitting from sakura and a bunch of 'troublesome's from shikamaru, they all agreed.

They gave their ribbon to sakura since kiba would probably lose it and shikamaru was too lazy. She had enough brains ,and due to kakashi's training, also had enough strength to stand her ground if they ever got seperated.

While in the cave they made a plan. Mostly sakura and kiba, shikamaru would just add in some bits and pieces here and there.

After deciding what they'd do, they went to gather some food since you can't fight on an empty stomach, also if some teams were going to come after them they would have the advantage of having more energy to fight.


Team black which consists of naruto, shino and ino were still on the move.

Like team blue, they were still looking for shelter, however, unlike the other teams, they were heading further away from the nearest one. Naruto was to be thanked for that as he didn't want to bump in with other teams so early in the game. First he'll let the two fight, then attack the one that won therefore giving him all of the ribbons. If team blue and team green can't do that by the end of the given time, he will just have to take action himself.

They kept running until they heard a rustling sound. They stopped and put up their guard immediately (not that naruto ever lowers his guard). The three of them guarded each others back so that they won't miss anything.

The russtling of the once again was heard this time they got to pinpoint where it was coming from; some trees in front of ino. They focused on that spot except for naruto, he still checked his surroundings knowing full well that whatever was behind those trees can't be the only opponent around.

Shino sent his bugs to see what it was but before they could reach, a huge creature jumped out of it. It went to tackle all three of them but they dodged just in time, it went for shino next who deployed his bugs in huge waves to stop it, it got swept away slightly but it was so huge that it managed to stop them. It roared and the genin finally had the chance to inspect the thing. It was a lion, a huge lion.

It quickly ran to ino who was closest to it and tried to pounce on her but she dodged, she took out three shuriken and shot the oversized lion, it hit and the thing managed to sustain a fatal wound at one of its legs so it couldn't walk properly. It growled at the platinum haired girl.

The said said girl just narrowed her eyes and took out some shuriken with ninja wires, the animal ran to her again but this time it was slower, she threw both shuriken at either side of the lion and the lion was tripped, she signaled shino by looking at him and the bug user got what she was trying to say.

He spread his arms and a bunch of bugs gathered around the lion, it let out a pained roar but still managed to run in the direction where the last member was; naruto.

The blonde stood there as the huge beast came closer and closer at a slightly alarming rate with a few insects still on it. Suddenly, he remembered a certain scene he so desperately wanted to forget.

A blonde haired child sat in his room reading a book quietly. All was peaceful until he heard a scream outside. He would have ignored it if it wasn't for the fact that the sound came from a certain crimson haired woman who he somehow charished deeply. He quickly stood up forgetting about the book and went outside at alarming speed, it almost looked like he teleported.

The first thing he saw was blood, he followed the trail and was met by siama laying on the ground almost lifeless, the only indication of her still in the land of the living was the slight rise and fall of her chest, no one could have noticed this but he had trained eyes.

He looked at the other who did it to her and saw a huge beast, more specifically; a huge lion. He had no idea where it came from bit this thing hurt his precious person and it. Will. Pay.

The lion came running to him at the sight of another 'prey' but the blonde child just stood there looking down. When the thing was just a few inches away, he looked up with cold eyes which could make even the devil shiver.

The lion stopped in his tracks and stared at those eyes with fear, a child no older than 2 and was much smaller than the huge beast in front of him was stopping it dead in his tracks. You could almost feel the blonde looming over the lion who was probably larger than a two story house. It scurried off to the huge forest nearby and the blonde immediately rushed to the almost limp body.


Naruto lowered his head at the memory. At the same time, his eyes turned cold. He despised those creatures for hurting her but that wasn't the reason he had those eyes, no. It was because he wanted to cry for not being there earlier. For not protecting her.

For being too late.

He wanted to cry 'cause it hurt so much but he can't because those are the rules so instead, he blocked out those emotions. Those stupid emotions.

The same thing happened, the blonde looked at the lion square in the face and the creature froze at the cold gaze. It backed away slowly, and once it was a good distance away from the blonde. It bolted, like a kitten.

The other two members stood dumbfounded at what happened, why did the creature run away so suddenly? it couldn't be because of the blonde, right?

Getting out of their trance, they approached naruto, ino was grinning and shino had his normal expression on but somehow you could tell he was happy, naruto grinned back at both of them which made ino glomp him.

After that, they decided to rest, even though they sustained little to no damage, they were hungry and slightly tired. They weren't in the best fighting condition to take on the teams since they knew they would be in their best condition.

They found the nearest shelter quickly with the help of shino's bugs and did what they had to do.


Soon, nightfall came and the genins rested while getting used to their surroundings. The jounins smirked while watching each team with the assigned ribbons laced with their chakra.

'for unexperienced genins, their doing well' thought kurenai.

'they have potential' were asuma's thoughts.

'I wanna buy the new upcoming makeout paradise'

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