Chapter 1

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Prince's POV.

She layed next to me panting. She was good but I've done better. I got up and started to get dress.

Me: Jay, you're nice and all but i don't think it's gonna work between us.*zip up his pants*

Jay: ARE YOU SERIOUS?!? You just wanted to get in my pants!

Me: Well if you put it that way then...*puts his shirt on* yes.

Jay: Wow you're such an asshole. GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!

Me: *slips his shoes on* Don't worry that's what I was doing *fluffs his afro, throws up the peace sign and leaves*

Yeah that's right, I'm the player of the school.I act all sweet with them, tell them I love them, fuck them then leave and don't talk to them. I chuckled as I got into my car. I put the key in the ignition and drove to my house. I arrived there, parked my car and got in the house. My mom was in the living room, I greeted her and went to my room. I took my towel, took a shower then put on my boxers and went to sleep.


Beckie's POV

There can be one only you

And, baby, God can never make two

And I know you came here with your crew

But I promise you that it fee--

I turned off my alarm and went downstairs to get something to eat. I grabbed a bowl and ate some cereal. I did my hygiene routine them got dressed.

I wore a denim jean shirt with khaki pants and my white chuck Taylor's. I put my hair in a bun, put some gold hoop earrings and a gold chain. I didn't really put makeup just mascara and lip gloss. I grabbed my bag, headed out the door, locked it and picked up Larissa(Lari) and Taylor.

Lari: What's poppin home skillet BISCUIT! *sits in passenger seat*

Taylor: You always so turnt up for no reason *sits in the backseat*

Me: I know right *laughs* always yelling and shit.

Lari: Well it's better than being boring.

We all laughed then drove to school. We arrived and went to my locker.

Taylor: y'all heared what happened with Jay and Prince.

Me: lemme guess, he fucked her,

Lari: then left her

Taylor: Exactly. One day he's gonna get what he deserves.

Lari: yup...Is it just me or is he come towards us.

Taylor: *looks in the same direction* He is *rolls eyes*

He came and leaned on the locker.

Prince: Hey beautiful.

Me: what do you want?

Prince: Well damn, can't I just be nice.

Me: No, cause i'm not one of your fuck and ducks *closes locker*

Prince: I ain't like that no more

Me: nigga you just fucked Jay yesturday and left her.

Prince: yeah but last night I was thinking of my ways and I wanna change. When I saw you this morning, I just knew you could be the first step of this change.

Wow, he's good but not good enough to fool me.

Me: You should work more on your lies cause they're not fooling me *walks away with Taylor & Lari*

Taylor&Lari: DAYYUUUUM *burst out in laughter*

We all started laughing but all of a sudden Lari stopped and had an excited look on her face. I know that look, she always does it when she has an idea...or ate too much sweets.

Me: what?

Lari: I just got an idea! What if you changed him.

Taylor: omg yes! You pretend like you're going out with him. You can't do anything with him. He has to earn your trust and all that. he learn that he can't get what he so easy.

Lari: Yas Taylor, you catch on quick.*daps her*

Me: Y'all got some crazy ass ideas.

Lari: so are you up it *smiling hard*

Me:...Fine, what do I have to do?

Lari: You know how they say "don't hate the player, hate the game"

Me: yea

Lari: let's just say, you're gonna play the game and change the player.*moonwalks to home room*

Prince's POV.

Damn. I don't even know what to say.

I turned on my heel and went back to Ray, Roc and Prod, who were watching the whole thing. As soon as I got to them, they started laughing.

Me: Shut up. I get more girls then you all together.

Prod: Yeah but not her *laughs*

Me: Yes I could.

Ray: how much you wanna bet?

Me: 15$...each

Roc:*laughs* well you're pretty confident

Me: Psssh i can get her.

They all simultaneously said "Good luck" and walked off.I went to locker and walked to homeroom.



I sat at my usual place with the others. They were talking shit about the teachers.

Ray:Ms.Davidson so aggravating with her old ass. You know she tried to take my phone today. I told her she pay don't these phone bills. Her ass couldn't say shit so she just walked away.

Roc: *laughs* and she always yelling for no reason.

Me & Prod: IKR

I took a bite out of my burrito. I looked up and saw the girl from this morning. I stood up to go to her table.

Me: Be right back.

I walked to her table and sat next to her.

Me: Hey, look about earlier(gco)

Her: oh yea, i'm sorry i was rude before. I was thinking and i guess maybe you might of changed.

Me: Cool, i didn't get your name,by the way.

Her: Beckie

Me: That's a beautiful name *smiles*

Beckie: thanks*smiles back* so can i get your number?

Me: Sure

We swithed phones and put in eachothers then she gave my phone back and so did i. I said "see you soon" while getting up, gave her a smile once again and she did the same. I turned around and went back to the table.

Me: get your 15$ ready cause i'm winning this bet *chuckles and shows them the number*

Beckie's POV.

Lari: *smirks* Let the games begin

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