Chapter 2

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Beckie's POV.

After school

I walked to my car and wait on Lari and Taylor. They were taking so long so I decided to text Taylor.


Where are you guys?


We're almost there

I looked up from phone seeing that they were walking towards the car. Taylor sat in the passenger seat while Lari sat in the back.

Me: what took y'all so long

Taylor: Lari was getting niggas caught in their feelings

Me: again

Lari: It was so funny. I swear on of them got hard in 0.5 seconds.

We all started laughing at Lari's crazyness.I started the car and pull out of the parking lot.

Me: You guys wanna go to the dance studio, I don't think there's any classes today

Taylor: Sure, we have to practice our dance anyways.

I drove to my house so that we could change into our dance clothes then drove to the studio. When we got there, luckily no one was in the room we were practicing in. We dance for about an hour. We were exhausted so we took a break. I was sitting on the bench while Lari and Taylor were laying on the floor.

Taylor: This choreographe is getting better.

Lari: Yeah, we just need to do it two more times.

Me: So you guys coming to my house?

Lari: Hell yeah. But im staying over.

Taylor: Me too.

Me: Hold up, when did this happen

Lari: Today nigga *laughs*

Me: Don't get smart with me but anyways, y'all better not make a mess like last time.

Lari: We didn't make a mess we just...

Taylor:...Decorated it in our own way...

Me: Well don't decorate shit this ti-(gco)

Body like the summer,

Fucking like no other.

Don't you tell em what we do.

Don't tell em, Don--

I took my phone and looked at the caller id, it was prince so i answered.

Phone convo

Prince: Hey

Me: Hey, how are you.

Prince: good, you?

Me: good

(Background):Who you talking to?!?

Me: Lari, Fuck outta my business

(Background): (sings) Why you gotta be so ruuuude, don't you know i'm human too.

Prince: *laughs*

Me: *laughs* sorry about that

Prince: it's cool. I was thinking and I'm taking you out tomorrow.

Me: where?

Prince: you'll see. *hangs up*

End of convo

Me:* stares at the phone* really?

Taylor: Sooooo?

Me:...Princeton, it was Princeton. Happy now.

Lari:... You'd have to tell us anyways...

Me: Don't get smart

Taylor: So what did he call for?

Me: He said he's taking me out on tomorrow.

Lari & Taylor: Where?

Me: He wouldn't tell me.

Lari: Well, although we don't know where he's taking you, you're starting step 1.

Me: which is?

Lari: make this date memorable.

Taylor: first, dress to impress.

Lari: second, you have to be independent.

Taylor: So you're paying for yourself.

Lari: third, make jokes with him and all that. Lastly, he's surely gonna try to kiss you.

Me: What makes you think he will.

Lari: *straight face* what guy doesn't try to kiss after a date?

Me: Well you don't know, he might be different.

Lari: Beckie, he's a player. He might even try to fuck you right there and then now lemme finish. He'll try to kiss you but question is will you kiss him?


Prince's POV

I hung up with Beckie and just thought about how our date is gonna go then Ray snapped me out my thoughts

Ray: Is you gon hit or nah

Me: Do you know who I am -_-

Prod: Forreal you know he is sooner or later

Roc: I still don't believe you gon get her

Prince: I am just watch

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