New Years Party

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Thinking back on it, hosting the Sanses' New Years Party has not been Geno's best decision.

He knew how weird these parties could get with his counterparts, yet he still volunteered to host the party.

Yeah, definitely not his best decision.


"Hey Ink! You're a bit early." Geno stated as Ink stepped through a portal from the Doodle Sphere to Geno's home in the Void. Ink was wearing his normal attire, other than the fact that the jacket normally around the skeleton's waist was actually being worn properly.

Said skeleton gave Geno a smile. "I am? Oh well, I guess I can keep you company while before everyone else gets here."

"Better you than Reaper," Geno mumbled, but Ink caught it anyways.

Ink chuckled, "Yeah, how are things between you and the god of Death?"

"Terrible!" Geno exclaimed, "He comes here way to often just to annoy me. Ignoring him doesn't work because he gets in my face whenever I try. And his non-stop flirting. I hate it. Honestly, I don't know why he sticks around."

"I can think of a reason," Ink whispered under his breath, his shipping senses tingling.



The two sat for a while, talking about random things before the next guests arrived. The newcomers' presence were quickly made known by the high pitched voice chattering about how exciting this was going to be.

"I can't wait for everyone to be here! I hope Error can make it. Do you think there's punch here? This is going to be so much FUN!!"

"Could you shut up for one second."

Geno and Ink looked over to where the voices were coming from, and, unsurprisingly, they were met with the sight of Underswap Sans, more commonly known as Blueberry, annoying the heck out of Underfell Sans, Fell, and Swapfell Sans, Raspberry, or Razz.

"Hey guys, welcome to the party." Geno called out, making the three newcomers turn to him and Ink.

"Hi Geno, Ink!" came the quick reply of Blue.

"Sup," Fell simply greeted.

Razz didn't greet them at all, but that was typical of him.

None of them had time for conversation before the sound of more portals opening cut them off.

'Looks like the party has begun.' Geno thought.


It had been two hours since the party started. Geno was surprised that no one was drunk yet. He surveyed the party and its guests.

The 'Bad Sanses' as they were labeled, were huddled near one of the food tables, whispering among themselves. Their group consisted of Nightmare, Killer, Horror, Dust, and Cross. Error and Razz were over there too, but they weren't official members of their group.

Ink and Dream were talking a bit aways from them, constantly sneaking glances over to the group and giggling, probably planning to go prank them or something.

Outer and Science were having what would have been a deep conversation if Blue hadn't been randomly adding into their talk, and whatever he was saying must have been pretty funny, because both of the other skeletons looked like they were holding back laughs.

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