Hey there,I just wanted to let you know that can Ask or Dare if y'all want to I'm not forcing you to(btw I'm doing Oc's in my story,so if you ask,dare or both 5 times then your Oc is added into my story) just a few WARNINGS:I don't to too much of v...
I have a story to tell,it's short and it might seem pretty crazy but
I think that the spirit of my grandma is with me and here's why,my grandma died not to long ago thanks to lung cancer and lung failure,and she stays in the room that I am in
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That is a picture of my grandma holding me as a baby
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This use to be the bedroom of my grandma's and now I'm staying in it,oh and that handprint from the last chapter
It's my grandma's handprint,let me tell you how
My grandma has hand size of a little kids handprint she had baby hands,and I seen her in ghost form,and I still have some of her belongings with me
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This is one of them
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And here is what's inside it
It's her stuff
And you might think that I'm crazy,but I'm not,I now have sleep problems thanks to this shit,so...