One crazy interview

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  • Dedicated to Casandra

Hi guys!! So this is the new story , as promised! We hope you guys like it! Please comment vote and fan! I will try tov upload chapter 2 as soon as possible! And as promised, Casandra, you get major credit because she cowrite this, in *gasp* her POV! Such a surprise I know and now wioth out any more of my sarcasm ONTO THTE STORY! comment/vote/fan! Also, I can't figure out how to post my polyvore outfits on here so thisis Casandra's outfit..., hope you like!

"Will you stop moving?!?!" My hair and make-up artist Lily screeched at me.

"Emma for once would you just sit back and enjoy the pleasures of being a girl?" Casandra my best friend and co-host scolded me once again.

"I'm sorry I just don't enjoy being played with like a doll. Unlike some people I know." I said with a smirk. I loved instigating Casandra. We had a sort of sisterly friend ship where we bickered and tried to kill each other on a daily basis. It is completely normal for us.

"Excuse me?! I am not a doll, thank you very much!" she said. Turning to me since her hair and make up had been done for about 20 minutes because she doesn't move and complain.

"At least I know I'm a girl and don't pretend to be a guy when I go out." she said with a satisfied grin.

"Hey! You know that is only because I need to hide from the fans! You do it to only in different ways." I returned turning to face her. We co-hosted a talk show that at the moment was pretty popular. We veered more towards a younger audience so we had people like Lady Gaga and Taylor Swift come on more often then stars like Jennifer Aniston.

"What fans?" she said with a laugh. I tried to move to get at her but Lily pulled me back by my hair.

"Emma if you dont sit still immediately I swear to God that I will make sure that Dameon picks out the most revealing and pink outfit for today! Lily threatened me. Dameon was Casandra and I's stylist and Lily knew how much I hated pink slutty clothes. I quickly turned back and sat still. Casandra seems to find this very funny.

"If you can't stop squirming around how will we ever get to do our interview? Speaking of which, are you excited or what? It still hasn't hit me yet!" Casandra said excitedly.

"Of course!" I exclaimed! "It's our biggest show yet and we both know how much fun I'll have embarrassing you in front of your celebrity crush. Plus it's there first real big group interview. And to be able to meet some of the countries biggest role models right now? Both segments are going to be fantastic." Today was so important. We were interviewing One Direction at the same time as The Wanted. The two bands were starting a world tour together and having them on was great publicity for us. Then for part two we were hosting Aly Raisman, Gabby Douglas, Missy Franklin and Ryan Lochte for a welcome home interview! Who doesn't love boy-bands and Olympians?

"I know! I can't wait! They absolutely killed it this year! And what do you mean celebrity crush? You're the one who's in love with Louis." She back fired. Casandra was more of a Wanted fan while I preferred 1D but we both liked each.

"Are you kidding? You practically drool over Nathan all the time!" I said finally getting up.

"You know what? Why don't u just shut up and let's just go find Dameon and get tonights outfits." We started walking down the hall talking about everything and nothing. By the tine we reached wardrobe we were on the topic of peanut butter and nutella sandwiches. Why? That's simply how our brains work.

"Well hello my lovely ladies!" Dameon greeted us with warm hugs.

"Now for the show I have picked perfect clothes and if I do say so myself -which I do- they are my best work yet!

"Dameon, you say that about every outfit." I said with a roll of my eyes. I loved our stylist but sometimes he was so exuberant I just didn't have the energy.Casandra sighed and smacked me upside the head to which I barely even protested at this time. I was used to her abuse as she was mine.

"Emma, shush! You know how he feels about his creations. We don't want another repeat of last week's tantrum..." she says to me. Last week I had refused to wear what Dameon picked out, ( a flowery dress with pink heels) and he threatened to quit so I just, fixed it.

"Just ignore her Dameon. I'll make sure she wears it and accessorizes properly." She turns to me again and says,"And when I mean properly, I don't mean peace signs and converse everywhere." She knows me so well, but I will find a way around her. "Yes dear. I know that you will keep her in fashionably line and thats why I love you. But now shoo! Go finish making questions or something so I can work on future things! And no peeking until right before the show!" As always the man was a whirlwind. But he was right we needed to continue planning. Our show wasn't that typical. To start off we watched a ton of other interviews so we wouldn't ask the same questions. And each episode was different so we played games such as truth or dare or never have I ever. We also did races and such but they were unusual funny races.

"Yes, now off we go for we must continue with our elaborate planning for our magnificent program. Now, go, you short little Blondie!" Casandra said. Like I said we were incredibly strange.I tried to link arms to skip down the hallway with her but my attempt failed. Instead I got hit on my arm. As I said before, this is totally normal. But she was right. We were behind schedule because of my fussing with Lily. So we needed to finish polishing off our show to be ready for our guests.

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