Meeting the boys

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  • Dedicated to Everyone who fans me!

Hey guys! So as promised, this is Chapter 2! Now, again, I love comments and such! And her is Emma's outfit, So please comment/vote/fan! Also, as of this chapter this story is solely written by me because Casandra says she is better at writing plays and poetry.....if you really like her POV, which she wrote, I can try to convince her to write more or I can write it myself.... with out further ado....

"10 minutes to show time people! Where the hell is Casandra? Casandra!" shouted our producer Stacy. She is the most up tight, stressed person I've ever met. And those are understatements. She barrels right into my dressing room shrieking like banshee for me to get on the set immediately.

"Will you calm down? I'll be out in a minute just let me finish getting my jewelry on," I snap at her. We don't get along much. She was very controlling and I don't get along with those that tell me what to do, and neither does Emma. As I'm putting on my necklace she yanks me out and drags me to the stage like a little child.

"I thought I told you to STOP doing that!" I say to her. I shake myself free from her grip and properly put my necklace on.

"And I thought I told YOU to get onto the stage 15 minutes ago!" she said. Yes, she did tell me numerous times to get out of my dressing room but that does NOT give her the right to drag me out by force. Plus, this is completely normal behavior for me. Everyone else knows I take my time preparing for the camera but I always enter on time. But apparently this isn't acceptable for Stacy. As nothing the Blondie and I ever do is.

"Well, yeah, you did, but I was coming out. It's not like I've ever been late!It's my show! Now go and do whatever it is you do and let me do my job. Thank you," I reply. Clearly feeling insulted, she walks off in a huff. Good riddance. After that little spat, I walk onto our set and settle down just to find another headache sitting right next to me.

Emma has somehow messed up her hair, again. On purpose, no doubt.It went from her short pixie cut straightened and pulled back with a head band to a fluffed mess, what Lily calls her signature hipster look. I know she despises the term but it so is. Lily will freak when she sees this hideous birds' nest! Time reprimand the circus animal, again.

"Emma! What in the name have you done to your hair!?" I said horrified. She looks up at me like nothing's wrong.

"What? I'm wearing all the stuff that Dameon gave me and there are no peace sings or converse to be spoken of. I actually did what I was told for once! You should be happy," she said.

"Um, no! Look at what you did to your hair! It's a friggen mess!" I said, still horrified. She looks at my like she doesn't understand what I'm saying then I start fixing her hair for her. Obviously she protested this by blocking her head. "What are you doing? My hair is fine!" she complained. Clearly someone needs to check the mirror in her dressing room. "No your hair is not fine! Now if you can just let me fix it before the show starts-" I began to say but she cut me off by hitting me. And that was her mistake. We began fighting each other. I hear people yelling at us but I'm preoccupied with the blonde midget destroying my clothes and hair. As we're locked in a petty little battle, the lights suddenly go up and the cameras are all turned on us.

My heart drops and I can feel the blood rushing to my face. We freeze then after giving each other terrified expressions. We let go of each other and frantically try to readjust our clothing, hair, and accessories. Or at least I do, she almost laughs."Oh um hi everyone and welcome to The Scoop on this fine December morning. Hehe..." I say trying to recover but then I cover my face in shame and lower my head. "Um, yeah, we have a very interesting treat for you today because, if you may or may not know, this is our 2 hour Christmas special!" Emma said, trying to carry on with the show while I'm still traumatized like a fool. "You want to tell them why it's so special, Casandra? Casandra?" she turns to me so I can speak. I snap myself out of it and start talking. "Uh yes, because today we will be having our triumphant Olympians with us to talk about how this past year has been and how they are preparing for the next Olympiad. And we will be having the two biggest and might I add hottest boy bands taking the world by storm The Wanted! Oh, and One Direction too," I mechanically say. We rehearsed the intro dozens of times before the show started so it just comes out sounding, well, rehearsed. "We will be here with The Wanted and One Direction right after the break so don't go anywhere! Not like you have the option with this Nor'easter out here. It's getting pretty bad, just look at that," I say pointing to the window behind us. Was that last bit part of the rehearsed intro? No, but what can I say? I panicked. The camera zoomed in on the window then cut to a commercial break, which was the start of a mini war in the studio.

My favorite person, Stacy, came at us like a piranha would a piece of meat. I don't really know what she was yelling about specifically because me and Emma where just exchanging looks of bewilderment. With Stacy still barking away, I say to Emma, "What the hell did we just do on national television? Oh my God. Well I can just kiss my career goodbye. The paparazzi will be all over this by the end of the day and I'll never work in television again." I hold my head in my hands and run my fingers through my hair. "Oh c'mon, your being melodramatic," Emma replies. "Am I? 'Cause I don't think I am!" I say back in a panicked state. Granted I was unnecessarily freaking out but this could have some real consequences! I tell Emma this and she agrees but she says it'll give us publicity. She's right, but this could turn and bite us back and give us unwanted press. I just bang my head on the table and let it lay there.

Emma POV

I sighed as Casandra banged her head on the table. Sure I was a bit embarrassed but it was more funny than anything, I mean, it happens often, us fighting and why not let the public see who we really are.

"Are either of you even listening to me!" Stacey screeched. I had automatically tuned her out when she started lecturing us.

"Uh, no." I respond. I hate Stacey almost as much as Casandra does but I get back at her by pranks while Casandra does the attitude thing.

"Why should we, we know what your saying and now the commercial break is almost over so if you please, we have a show to host." Casandra responded in a bitchy tone, I knew her well enough to know that she was just embarrassed by the whole fight scene. Stacey opened and closed her mouth, looking fish like and finally snapped it shut and stormed away.

"Remind me again why we don't fire her?" I asked watching her yell at some poor stage hand.

"Because she is your mom's cousin. I'm all for it." She responds for the millionth time.

"Oh yeah. That's why, well one more lecture or screaming fit and I don't care if she's the fricken president's daughter, she's gone."

"I'm with you, shorty." Suddenly We hear loud laughter and look over to see ten boys walking towards us laughing at something. It was going to be quite the show.

"Hello boys!" Casandra perked up immediately when I said that. They looked at us, surprised as if they didn't know we were there. There was a chorus of hello's and then Casandra got straight to the point,

"Okay so for your entrance we will have you all walk in except for Louis and Jay, you too will come racing in and land in front of Liam and Max, and they will scold you okay guys?

"Can we do improv. too?" Harry asked.

"Uh, sure but keep it PG. We have a lot of younger viewers that we want to keep." Casandra answered.

"But I don't want to keep it PG with you love." Wow. This Siva guy winked at Casandra and she rolled her eyes.

"Hey lover boy, keep it in your pants or get off our show, got it?" I replied.They looked at me incredulously, like they thought that I was seriously some bitch. Casandra played along knowing where I was going.

"Emma, just chill. I don't know how you put up such an act for the camera's when you are such a bitch in real life."

"Wow. And I thought we were going to have another partner in crime boys." I heard Jay mumble. So they actually thought that I was a bitch. Good.

"Okay boys now for a surprise," I turned to them with a straight face. "TAG YOUR IT!" I reached out and taggd the nearest boy, Zayn. And attempted to run away. They all just looked at me stunned! I heard Casandra laughing at their faces and explaining how we do tis to every celebrity. Then I fell with an oomph.

"OOWW!" I moaned from the ground gaining the attention of 11 pairs of eyes.

"Emma. you are such a klutz." Casandra told me not even moving to help while Liam and Nathan ran over, being the mature ones they were.

"Are you okay?"

You're not hurt right love" THey asked at the same time. I just laughed.

"Thanks boys, but I'm fine, this happens almost every time our stylist puts me in heels. Never ends well." THey nodded in understanding and we made our way back over to everyone on the couches on set. The show was about to start.

Okay so I know it's short but it's getting late and I still have chores and homework, the next installment will be soon though, I promise! COMMENT/VOTE/FAN!


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