Chapter three
Dear Diary,
I never thought that I would have to deal with what happened that night. There it was, a dead girl, and I felt my heart stop. Literally, I thought that my heart would stop in the anxiety of the moment. I could see that Mich felt the same way. Seeing the look on his face, and just witnessing everyone's look. There was a mixture of horror, disbelief, and the strangest of all, acceptance.
I remember squinting my eyes at Brie's face. She had this over whelming look of acceptance. Even further than that, she looked REALIVED. But how can that be possible? At first, when I looked at her, she was staring off into space, it didn't look that she was really THERE, you know what I mean?
That scared me the most. That she didn't seemed frightened, or horrified, like everyone else. What was WRONG with her?
Jason looked ill. Like he could barely contain himself from getting sick all over the floor. I wanted to confort him, I DID. But I couldn't seeing the fact that there was a dead girl right in front of me!
Oh god, now I don't know what to do. Common sense told me to call the police, an ambulance, or SOMETHING. But I knew I couldn't. Something happened to the girl. And of course, it had to be one of us. Not myself, or Mich, obviously, but SOMEONE.
And all the someone's in the room, were my best friends. People I cared about. And if the police discovered that one of us did it, well that would be horribly bad. We were in a foreign country, which made it even worse.
But also, if one of my best friends were cable of committing such an act of violence, well...if I called the police, what's to stop them from killing me?
There was one thing I knew about for sure though, since there was one murder tonight, there must be more coming. And I have no idea who will be next.
I stared at the body, I couldn't take my eyes off The blood from the blow to the head, was dripping from the forehead to the floor. As I stared at it, only one thing came to my mind.
"Someone clean this up." I heard the words coming out of my mouth, but I couldn't believe that I was saying them. I wanted to scream, or cry, go into hysterics like Vivian was. But I just couldn't.
All I could think of, was...she looks so disturbed. It was a scene from a horror movie, and all I wanted to do for her, was get her cleaned up. Give her some last dignity.
No one responded to me, maybe because I was too quiet, but I needed the body cleaned up. I was so far away from it because it was so hard to look at. I didn't even know it she was a blond or a brunette.
I marched over to Vivian's corner, and she didn't even notice me. She was too busy pacing, and clutching her stomach as if she was going to be sick. There were tears streaked across her face.
"Vivian," I said. And she jumped, just like she realized that other people were here.
"We need to clean it up. Go get a mop, some towels, and bleach." I spoke with a sternness that I've only ever heard from my mom.
She stared at me, and said nothing. Like she couldn't comprehend. "Vivian, go get the stuff." Mich said, as he appeared at my side.
She stared a moment longer, blinked, and then ran out of there. Hopefully, she went to get what we asked.
I nodded my thanks, and moved away from Mich, my head down. I couldn't look at him, it was too hard.
I walked over to Brie, who was still sitting against a wall. Her eyes were hard, and she didn't show any emotion at all. She just stared past me. Her red curls fell over her face, and she made no move to touch them.