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“You make me feel things I'm not supposed to feel. Why? Why do you have control over me? You've taken over my thoughts. It's infuriating!” Marvin sighed as his thoughts drifted to the good doctor once more. A blush creeping onto his cheeks. Thankfully it was covered by the mask he was wearing. He took another sip of his coffee angrily and set the empty cup down. He tried to focus his thoughts, but they all seemed to lead right back to Henrik. And it didn't help that that very man had made him said cup of coffee. Henrik was always so damn nice to him! It nearly drove Marvin mad as the man practically bent over backwards in his attempts to help Marvin with anything and everything.

Marvin yawned. He wondered why the coffee had made him tired. But he chalked it up to not being strong enough to keep him awake after such a long, sleepless night. He leaned back in his chair, stretching. He started to worry as his vision started to blur and his eyelids started to get heavy. He looked down at the coffee mug. “What… What the hell was in that?” He thought aloud to himself.

“A rather strong sedative. Henrik's voice came from behind him. He hadn't even heard him come in.

Marvin whirled around to look at Henrik. “Wha… What? Why… Why did you…?” Before he could finish, he passed out.

Henrik quickly grabbed him so he wouldn't fall out of his chair. He held tightly to Marvin and kissed the top of his head. He then carefully picked him up and began carrying him off to the “Saferoom” he had prepared for Marvin.

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