Starr x Shoto

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⚠Smut warning⚠
(If u are uncomfortable reading rape and abuse then zoom over this story)

Starr POV

Walking down the street in the soft light of dusk, I glanced at my phone noting the time, midnight, great. Looking around me terrified I heard a faint meowing sound coming from an alleyway I passed. I back up and peek in confused
Slowly creeping into the alleyway looking around another faint meow came from in front of me.
"Here kitty, kitty."
Looking around I hear soft padding sneaking around me. Turning around to follow the sound of a tall man with cat ears and a tail was standing there.
His hair a split color the one side was a silvery blonde while the other side of his hair was a maroon red. Scared as hell wondering how he got there I stuttered, as usual.
"U-um. W-who are you?"
I backed up slowly further into the alleyway. The cat boy walked closer to me smirking creepily.
"Shoto, meow~"
He purred swaying his tail back and forth catching my attention. I kept glancing from his beautifully curved face to his long tail swaying happily as he gets closer. Within a blink of my eyes there he was, his blue and black eyes right in front of mine our noses just touch as I feel his soft thin hands push me against the wall hard. My eyes shot open wide as I feel his hands slide up my shirt smoothly.
"S-sir p-please get off me, I have to g-get home"
I was frightened feeling my heart race faster every inch his fingers get closer to my breasts. Pushing At his arms I plead for him to stop touching me. His eyes glitter as he presses his lips against mine hard. Trying to turn my face away from the teenage boy, who was the one that gave me my first real kiss, I felt one of his hands come out from under my shirt cooling down my skin and gently grab the side of my face holding it still. I felt something soft slide up my leg under my skirt. A blush rose up my face I felt his tail slide down my panties, oh god, why didn't I wear my shorts and a tight belt? Whimpering I felt his tail rub against my crotch.
"H-hey! S-stop it"
I closed my legs tight yet... the tail didn't move. His tail just pushed my legs apart and he pinned my legs still with his own.
"Oh, Starr~... I'll do whatever I please with kitten."
I shuddered as he whispered in my ear softly, "you will be mine... forever" I yelped trying to push him off repeatedly.
"I-i don't wanna be with you, creep. And how do you know my name?" He licked my cheek slowly. I felt the blush on my face burning my cheeks warm.
"My Starry night... I know a lot of things about you, don't you wanna learn things about me? Things... Fangirls can only imagine in their wet dreams." He pulled my shirt off quickly as I stood there not moving too frightened to move. his tail pushed against my womanhood making me push a small whimper and gasp out my mouth. The smirk that grew on his face instantly told me that he was enjoying himself, even though I knew I would rather be at home right now asleep in bed with my stuffy and my cat. Tears in my eyes as I tried once more to push his toned body off my flat one if only my boobs were as flat as my stomach. I wiggled in his grasp getting him angry. He frowned and grabbed my hands and held them against the wall above my head digging them into the old red brick of the alley.
"Why are you fighting me so much?", he growled before slamming his lips into mine. His mouth tasted of alcohol and blood. I finally decided to kiss back giving into his soft full lips. His hand relaxes a bit holding my chin loosely, his tail pushes into me and I bite his lip gasping in surprise. I whimpered as blood ran from his mouth and the taste of blood flooded my mouth. I heard him grunt and shove his tail in further. Screaming for help the tears in my eyes rolled down my yellowed cheeks from which a single old street lamp upon our bodies. He gently wiped the tears from my eyes with his thumb softly.
"Don't cry my love", he gave me quick soft kisses along the side of my neck leaving wet spots. I bit down on my tongue trying not to moan. As if my body knew what to Do I tilted my head to the side slightly away from him, giving him more room. He bit down softly in my neck leaving a hickey as I quietly moaned. Biting my lip quickly blushing a lot.  "Oh? Is that what turns u on?~ well then...", he bites again sucking softly making more hickeys along my neck. Another small moan escaped my mouth along with a whimper, I wanna go home. His tail starts moving around inside me going in deeper making me moan, I need to get out of this. I stomp on his foot making him back up into a stack of boxes and fall over. Quickly pulling my panties up and my shirt back on I race out of the alleyway. Behind me, I hear him angrily calling my name and boxes being thrown against the wall. Running out I glanced back to see him almost in reach of grabbing me making me run faster.
"STARR! GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE!", crying I run faster I hear his footsteps pound against the ground right behind me.
"Leave me alone!", he growled and he meows angrily. Reaching my apartment I climbed the stairs and ran to my door quickly unlocking it and pushing the door open. Panting I slam the door shut bolting it.
"Oh fuck... shit..." I take deep breaths leaning against the wall. Coughing I turn on the lights in my living room.
"Took you long enough", a slurred deep voice calls from my small blue sofa. The figure gets up stumbling over to me quickly. "Where's my beer?", he pressed his hands onto my breasts hard, hurting me.
Whimpering I answered in a whisper, "I-I don't have it, honey.", he pushed me against the wall hard knocking the wind out of my lungs.
"What the fuck did you say?",he snarled in my face as the smell of alcohol filled my nose. Looking down I muttered what I said again. "Didn't I tell you to get me a case of beer when you left!? That's the whole reason you even left the house.", he screamed in my face making me flinch every time his spit flew up into my face.
"I'm sorry", I barely mustered out before he grabbed me by my throat with one of his large rough hands and dragging me down the hallway to our room. As I choked and clawed at his hand the hallways and paintings on the wall seemed to start fading into a black nothingness. Right as I was about to pass out he let go of my throat making me gasp for air as he threw me onto the bed. I felt the comforter jump as if I had just woken it up. He sat on top of me growling deep in his throat.
"Your gonna be punished for not doing what I told you to, you little bitch." He opened the drawer next to the bed on the left side. My eyes widened realizing what he was grabbing, no no, not the-
He chained my arms to the bedposts with handcuffs, "no! No no no no..", I began to cry feeling tears roll down my face and his ice cold hands run up my long bare legs. I shiver and try to pull my legs away. "P-please stop, I'll go get the beer." He seemed to almost consider the idea... almost.
"No way am I letting you go unpunished," His words began to slur more, "I'm gonna teach you how to remember," growling he slammed his fist in between my legs. I screamed out in pain as his hit my crotch. He laughed as I started to cry again choking on my sobs.
"I-I'm sorry! Please don't-", he shoved a ball into my mouth attached to a choker. He tied it around my head pulling my hair out from in between the cold leather and the back of my head.
"Heh... you need to stay silent.", he pulled his pants down, and he dug his fingers into my hips.

*after that...I'll write it in later*

My body was throbbing all over; bruises and bitemarks ran up and down my chest, neck, and legs. Looking down at my naked and beaten body made my eyes tear up again. I bit my lip till the tears stopped wanting to come. After a few minutes, I calmed down and pulled on the handcuffs till they snapped. Getting up and quickly turning to face the bed, I saw my wretched husband turn on the bed facing away from me. Sighing softly I pulled on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. I keep glancing over at him as I grab a book bag and fill it with my favorite clothes. He stirred slightly which frightened me beyond belief. What if he wakes up? What am I going to say that I'm doing? I thought while I packed more clothes. The bed shook a bit and I packed faster before zippering the bag up. As I stood I felt a sticky bear-like hand clamp around my neck.
"Where do you think you're going?", that familiar voice growled lowly in my ear. I froze up scared to speak. "WELL!?", he screamed in my ear. I felt my ears start ringing as his grip tightened on my windpipe. The room became darker as he waited for my response.
"U-um I.. I was g-getting stuff to g-give to an m-my friend," I stuttered to the point I didn't even know what I was saying, but apparently he did.
"Stupid dumb bitch, even you know you don't have any friends." he snarled and threw me to the bed. I almost burst into tears again. He raised his fist at me as a shadow flew across the room slamming into him. I gasped softly and scooted back on the bed. The figure stood as blood dripped from his hands and my husband's body lay limp on the soft, pale cream carpet. The blood soaked into the carpet spreading around the body. The shadowy figure glances down at me and slumped closer. I scooted away further as it got closer.
"My kitten~", it whispered seductively, "what's wrong?".
Wait.. is that the guys, I whimpered and crawled away from him falling off the bed. I yelped as my knee hit the ground hard. Shoto stood over me and picked me up as if I was a small child. Glancing down once more at the pile of flesh, blood, and bones I snuggled against Shoto's chest clenching his unstained shirt in my fist.
"You're okay", he whispered shushing me till I wasn't so tense. After a few moments, everything got blurry again and I fell asleep.
*the next day*
I woke in a red satin bed, the comforter was soft like brimming your hand over a cold stream. Sitting up I noticed I was dressed in new clothes, a pale blue oversized t-shirt and white booty shorts that had little pink hearts all over them. I pulled myself from the bed, my body aching still, and winced at the cold touch on my feet. The birch wood floor was as cold as ice, as was the bedroom itself.  I shivered pulling a fluffy warm blanket over my shoulders, why am I so cold?
"I need to find a way out of here," I opened the door and peered out into the long, dark, ice cold hallway. I looked left and right not knowing which way to go. Hearing footsteps lightly coming slowly down the right hallway. I dashed down the left side hoping they wouldn't hear me running. But I was mistaken, the footsteps grew faster and louder, uh-oh. The person chasing me was already almost behind me and I heard their breathing. It was probably the man from last night that saved me and I was about to find out as they grabbed me by the back of my neck and slammed my face into the wall.
"Stop...running", he growled in my ear, "you aren't leaving...ever."
he bit down on my neck hard. I moaned from pleasure, instead of screaming for help. He kissed my neck softly as my body loosened up. "Good girl," he spoke softly in my ear, "you are MINE."
"B-but why me?", I whimpered softly.
"Because your beautiful, kind, caring... loving~", he was purring as he chewed on my ear gently.
"Please stop", tears up, "I wanna go home". He bit down harder making me gasp. My knees were shaking a lot. What is he gonna do to me?


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