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" d-do plants count as f-friends "

" d-do plants count as f-friends "

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"i-it's edible glitter! i was bored so yeah, heh." donghyuck laughed nervously, as he was literally almost caught again on his first day.

how careless could he get?

mark just looked at him weirdly, "well, okay then. the food is here so if you wanna save that for dessert, feel free to."

the black haired male then left his sight, going to get the food from their dorm lobby.

donghyuck let out a sigh of relief, then checked the croissant if it really did change. and holy mackerel did it change alright.

the male let out a squeal of joy, seeing brown chocolatey streaks on the croissant. he picked it up and took a bite, letting out another squeal of joy.

"i should start doing this for whenever i'm hungry, cause like fuck, this is convenient." donghyuck licked the excess chocolate from the corner of his mouth then proceeded to eat the rest of the croissant.

not too long after donghyuck's little experiment, mark came back into the dorm with a small cooler in his hands. the young fairy looked at the cooler, confused as to why it wasn't a bag instead.

mark made his way to the living room, where donghyuck was, sitting on the couch and watching some random channel.

"scooch." mark said, flicking his head upwards a bit urging the boy on the couch to make some room for him.

donghyuck did just that, still staring at the cooler.

as if mark had read his mind he said, "it's normal for them to give us a small cooler, plus, i ordered a little more than i said."

the elder male set down the cooler and started emptying its contents, which made donghyuck drool at the sight and smell of the food. once mark put down his bowl of noodles in front of him, he just started at it in awe.

he didn't want to be rude and start eating before mark, so he just sat there, staring longingly at the bowl of noodles.

right when mark sat down, he saw donghyuck in his dazed state and chuckled at the younger's actions, "you can eat you know? you don't have to wait for me."

"really!?" mark thought the way donghyuck's eyes sparkled when he said 'yes' was absolutely endearing.

at first, he thought he was going to have one of those annoying roommates. guess he scored the cutest one of the bunch.



donghyuck whipped his head around to see who exactly was calling his roommate. turns out it was a girl, with long black curled locks cascading down her back, bouncing a bit while she was running.

'is this the girl?' he questioned himself mentally.

was this the girl that he was supposed to help mark cusp?

"hana! what's up?" mark greeted back, a pinkish hue evident on the skin of his cheeks.

donghyuck has to admit, she was fucking pretty. hell, no wonder why mark likes her.

"oh nothing much. i was just wondering if you wanted to walk to class with me. like we always do." she said, completely ignoring donghyuck's existence.

the tan skinned male found that quite rude, but he just let it slide. maybe she was just shy, he didn't know.

"ah, sorry hana. i gotta slip out today. i'm showing donghyuck around campus. he just moved here by the way." mark motioned to him, as he set a hand on the latter's shoulder.

"oh, okay then...maybe tomorrow?"


with that, hana left with a frown on her face. if you hadn't noticed, hana also had feelings for mark, but both were clueless to that simple fact.

letting a sigh slip her lips, she straightened herself up, "c'mon hana, woman up already."

back to donghyuck, he decided to put his teeny tiny crush for his new roommate aside and tease the older instead.

"oooooh, is that your girlfriend?" he asked, dragging out his words like a little kid calling someone out for their crush.

"n-no. she's just a friend. besides, even if i did like her, it's not like she'll like me back." mark looked defeated, and that struck a chord in the fairy.

"don't worry. i'm sure she likes you back." donghyuck patted mark's back, giving him an encouraging look. "besides, from what i see, you seem like a cool dude. who wouldn't like you?"

mark cracked a small smile, "thanks. i needed that."

"anytime my man, anytime. now, shall we get this tour started?"

and so, mark showed donghyuck the various spots of the college campus. he even showed the younger some of his own favorite spots, which made donghyuck feel a little special on the inside.

"it's almost break time, want to meet my friends? i'm sure they'll like you." mark asked, leading the fairy back to the main building.

"friends?" donghyuck's eyes lit up at the word.

to be honest, the closest thing to a friend he ever came to at home was his plants, and doesn't even think his plants like him back since they keep dying on him no matter how well he takes care of them.

"yeah, don't you have friends hyuck?" mark looked at him with a questioning look.

"d-do plants count as f-friends?"

the fairy was really embarrassed at that point. who the fuck asks someone if plants can count as friends? he really fucked up now.

now mark is going to think he's a nut job!

'way to fuck up hyuck! again!' he scolded himself mentally.

what surprised donghyuck was that mark didn't laugh at him, nor did he ridicule him.

no, mark just smiled at the fairy. sending donghyuck's heart beating slightly faster than it should be.

"am i not your friend?" the elder asked, a playful smile adorning his lips.

"i-i guess you are." a smile grew on the younger's lips, "mark lee, my first friend!"

mark internally cooed at the sight of the fairy. donghyuck looked so utterly cute when he announced that mark was his first friend, he couldn't help but feel soft.

he also felt a level of pity.

how could someone like this not have a friend?


so, um. i just studied for a test that we didn't have to do anymore.
*cue the immense sighing*

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