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' the two of them were in their dreams, dreaming about cute future dates, meaningful moments they would've had, and all of the kisses they would've shared. '


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"you what...?"

"i...i didn't say anything."

"no, hyuck. you said something and now you need to explain. i've been sitting in the dark for too long, i need an explanation for all of this. please?" mark pleaded, giving the younger a desperate look.

"okay..." donghyuck answered, his voice barely audible.


"i said okay...i'll explain. everything."

"alright...so...so what did you mean by you were only here to help me fall in love with hana?" that was the one question donghyuck didn't want to answer the most. it was because he didn't know what the future held; what answer or reaction he would get.

truth be told, it scared him. he didn't want to lose this happiness that he had found. it was in his grasp and by answering this, he could possibly lose it all.

mark noticed donghyuck's silence, and stroke up again, "did you hear me?"

he didn't show any signs of anger, in fact he knew donghyuck was afraid. admittedly, he was too. a single confession had set this whole relationship between donghyuck and him at question.

"i was sent on a mission by the head councilor of the fairy world, and the mission assigned to me was to get you with hana. that was the only reason why i'm here. that was the only reason why i met you. but that doesn't change anything i felt around you. those feelings were genuine i swear, i'm just hoping that you'll trust me enough to believe me..." it was hard enough to get all of that out, but it was harder to face the male in front of him.

"look at me, hyuck." by the sound of the elder's stern tone, donghyuck could already feel the guilt and dread eating at him from the inside.

he hesitantly obliged, raising his head to meet eyes with mark. "i'll say this once and only once, so please listen carefully donghyuck; though hana was someone that i loved, you are someone that i love. yes, she eventually returned my feelings but i had already fell for you. don't think it's your fault because i admit this crush was going on unanswered for too long. and taken from a wise fairy's words; maybe it was just the world telling me that she wasn't the one. for whatever reason you came here, i'm glad you did."

"so...you're not mad at me?" donghyuck questioned, still unsure of how mark really felt about this whole situation.

"no, i'm not. i trust that your feelings for me are genuine, and that's all i'll ask from you. other than that, i admit that i am still a bit mad about the fact that you didn't even tell me about you risking your life, and disappearing into the night without saying at least a goodbye."

"i was wrong for that, and i'm sorry that i did that to you. i was just so out of it, trying to get myself ready to leave you for good--oh my god that so wrong," he paused for a moment and continued, " i didn't even think about the slight chance that i would come back. but i'm glad that i came back, no, glad that both me and lucas came back safe and sound." with a newfound brightness in his expression, the corners of his mouth rose in a soft smile.

a smile that held relief and a sense of peace, of finally being able to breathe again.

"i forgive you, but please don't pull anything like that again, or at least try not to."

"oh, i'm sure that won't be happening anytime soon. from this moment on, i'll be a full time human just living on this earth and nothing more." the younger assured.

"don't forget that you'll also be my full time boyfriend." mark pressed a soft kiss on donghyuck's lips, intertwining his hands with his afterwards.

unable to give a verbal answer, the male just nodded bashfully as a blush appeared on his cheeks.

and that was it. the storm was over and both had a happy ending, with both donghyuck and yukhei making it back alive and returning to their loved ones, and reclaiming their long awaited happiness.

that was the ending everyone wanted right?


night came along and everyone was ready to just knock out and forget the events that took place that week. especially the two fairies involved; they were ready to start anew the next day, leaving their pasts behind to become history.

donghyuck was happily curled up against mark's body, basking in the warmth of mark and the blanket that was draped over them. he finally felt at peace, breath paced and relaxed.

the fairy that was alienated by his own kind had a chance to start anew again. with people that accept all of his flaws and will help him if he ever fell down again.

mark on the other hand held donghyuck close, afraid that if he were to let go, the male in front of him would disappear again. but either than that, he was glad that nobody took his precious sunshine away.

from now on, he'd be greeted by the beauty in front of him every morning. he'd just admire how absolutely stunning the fairy is in the golden light that would peek through their curtains, like his honey toned skin that suits him just right, or the little endearing moles that dotted his skin.

alas, mark didn't know how his sunshine's breaths started to get unusually slow, then eventually halted completely. he didn't know that the warmth his sunshine was holding onto was slipping away while the two of them were in their dreams, dreaming about cute future dates, meaningful moments they would've had, and all of the kisses they would've shared.

the end.


oh shit shit shit shit shit, i--

i'll just say that there will be an epilogue :)

p.s; i'll just yeet myself off a cliff to save y'all the work.

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