Chapter 17

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For the second time in a few short days, Freya woke up with no idea where she was. She shivered, which made her aware of the hard, uneven surface she was laying on. Judging by the cold, damp air and dank smell, she figured she was in a cave. She reached up to try and rub her sore neck, only to find that her hands were bound in front of her. She began working at the bonds, but they were stiff, made from what Freya guessed were woven saplings. They began cutting into the delicate skin of her wrists, so she stopped with a frustrated grunt. She observed her surroundings, looking for her captors, an exit, or perhaps something to cut her bonds with.

She expected to be in some kind of cold, dark lair. Though the floor of the cave was chilled, most it was coated in rugs, some woven with bright thread, some fluffy animal pelts. A cheery fire crackled in a hearth carved out of the rock in the corner, yet the room wasn't smoky. So it's either magic, or we're closer to the surface than I thought, Freya realized. She continued to survey the space, marveling at the stalactites and stalagmites that joined together to form walls and rooms. The ceiling glittered with crystals, and the walls were hung with tapestries and strings of beads, bones, and shells. Where the walls were bare, paint was carefully applied, depicting a range of scenes; war, flowers, the sea, death. 

She was propped up against a rough wall, with Malik and Julian slouched on either side of her, motionless. Once she saw the rise and fall of their chests she breathed a sigh of relief. Julian had some drool dribbling from the corner of his mouth. She leaned into Malik, doing her best to shake him awake with her limited movement. 

"Are you awake?" a voice whispered. Freya started and noticed two heaps on the floor in front of her. They were two women in tattered clothes and covered in dirt and grime.

"Yes," she responded. "Where are we? Who are you?"

"I'm Jaida," the heap closest to her said. The woman shifted, and Freya noticed her ankles and hands were bound as well. "I was hoping you could tell me where we are."

"No idea," Freya responded. "One minute, I was in the forest, and the next..."

"Blackout," Jaida said.

"Exactly. I didn't think there was anyone living in the forest. Before I blacked out, I thought I saw...well, I don't know what I saw. It must've been someone in some sort of camouflage paint."

"No," Jaida said, her voice quavering. "We were taken by monsters. Monsters made from trees."

Freya laughed slightly. She must be dehydrated, she thought. "Monsters? Made out of trees?"

"I know it sounds mad. I didn't believe in monsters, either. But it's true, I saw them. I've been awake for-well, I don't know how long, but one came in and talked to me, and I heard them bring you in, and they were speaking this strange, hissing language, and-"

"Alright, alright, it's okay," Freya said, trying to soothe her. "We need to stay sharp if we're going to get out of here." Jaida nodded. "Are we the only ones awake?"

"Yes, Rhiannon has not woken up yet. I don't know why. I'm starting to worry that they really hurt her."

"Some people wake up faster than others to the neck hold, she should be fine," Freya said, recalling what Yaya had taught her. She paused. "Wait, did you say Rhiannon? As in Princess Rhiannon?"

Jaida cursed. "Some protector I am, giving a stranger her name-although at this point, if we're all going to die, what does it matter --"

"I'm with Prince Julian!" Freya exclaimed. "He dragged us in here to come looking for her. I can't believe she's alive, I thought for sure the forest would have claimed her!"

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