Life and Death

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His motionless body is secured to a hospital bed, tubes filled with drugs and sedatives covering every inch of his exposed skin. I can glimpse wounds, big and small, literally everywhere on his body.

"Oh my Lord."

I can see bandages poke out from under the sleeve of his oversized black shirt, and the blood slowly seeping through.

Tears blur my eyes before I know it, and I cover my mouth with one hand in shock and sorrow. Please tell me he's going to be fine. My head spins as I stumble for a brief second, hand shooting out to grip the tabletop filled with bottles of morphine.

When I see the transparent containers, I can only picture the healers as they shoved this disgusting stuff down V's throat.


I hadn't realized that Jungkook had come in until he'd thrown a blanket around my soaked body.

"Skies, Kir. Did you jump down a window or something? Why are you so wet?"

I fix a stare dead center into his eyes. It looks could kill, Jungkook would have died a long time ago.

"What do you think? Oh, maybe because you locked the door when you left me to sleep in that stupid room while V was fighting for his life? Of course I jumped out the window, you dumb bunny. I mean, you weren't planning to let me out anytime soon, were you?"

Jungkook flinches at every brutal word I hurl at him, and by the time I'm done with my rampage, he looks so vulnerable and shameful I can't help but wrap my arms around his muscular body.

"I'm sorry, Kook. I didn't mean to blame everything all on you. Trust me, I didn't mean anything I said truly. It's not like you made V go in there or anything. I'm.... skies, I'm so sorry."

My arms tighten around his back as I cry pathetically into his white sweatshirt, which I'm probably staining with tears.

"I just don't know what to do."

His arms are hesitant as it slowly closes around my slender form, and I can see that seeing his best friend in this state hurts him just as much as it hurts me. I can't imagine how he feels right now, yet I'm making everything worse for him like the thoughtful person I am.

"Tell me what happened to him. Do you know? Does he even have a chance to survive?"

At my barrage of questions, I can see his mouth open and close repeatedly, before he finally gives me some answers.

"Not counting all the minor wounds, he got shot three times in the upper half. They took the bullets out, but-" His voice cracks a bit and I tuck my arms tighter around him, hoping it'd provide comfort. "They're not sure if they can bring him back."

Something shatters in my heart when I hear that. Even though I'd already known, it still hurt to have it confirmed by someone else.

Trying to get a grip on myself, I look back at V, who's still in the same position as I saw him a minute ago- motionless and unconscious, hovering over the edge of life and death. His face looks ashen from blood loss, creating an illusion of a lifeless corpse.

Jungkook turns away from beside me, and I can catch something glittering on his cheek when he does.

I think it's a tear.

"I'll give you some time" is the only thing he says to me before the door shuts behind him with an empty click, leaving me alone with someone who can't talk or listen to me.

"Hi." I'm careful not to move any of the needles pinned on him as I sit down on a chair next to the bed.

"I told you to come with me, didn't I? Why did you have to go back in there, huh? With your sky high IQ, you knew from the start that the battle was over, yet you still went in. Why? Why would you do something so stupid when you're so clever? I really don't understand you sometimes, Kim Taehyung."

My fingers work to arrange his messy hair into neat, orderly strands as I keep talking to him. Don't call me crazy- I'm very well aware that he can't respond to me. Heck, he can't even hear me in the first place.

"Come on, V. I believe that you can win against this, like you've beaten me every single time we've ever competed against one another. Except for that very one time where I beat you. Do you still remember?"

I continue to run my fingers through his hair, engaging a never ending cycle of messing it up and then combing it neatly together.

"Remember when we were all close to each other, all thanks to my reflexes? I still remember the gray specks in your eyes, and thinking that I looked so ugly  compared to you. Do you even know how perfect your face is? I remember wanting to punch it because it was so flawless."

My voice gets smaller with each word, clouding with so much emotion I'm trying to keep it from exploding. But gradually, tears begin to fill my eyes, and no matter how hard I try, I just simply can't seem to stop the never ending flow.

"If only it had been me in that burning building instead of you, I would have  felt so much better. Do you know I'm perfectly willing to give everything over just to switch places with you right now?"

I bury the sleeves of my shirt into my eyes, and the material instantly becomes wet with my tears.

"You don't know how worried Jungkook is for you. And I made him feel even worse. I knew I was hurting him when I was yelling at him- but I didn't want to stop. I wanted to keep hurting him, make him feel terrible about himself."

My voice chokes when I cry even harder. I need to admit that the main  reason why I never cry in front of the boys is because I'm a very ugly crier. Most people ran from me when I started crying, because they knew it was their best option.

"And now I feel absolutely horrible. I'm such a bad person- Jungkook was only trying to keep me safe, and I can't imagine how shattered he felt when he left his best friend behind to save a stupid, ungrateful girl instead."

My hands grip his tightly as I bend down to press my lips against his forehead. This is the first time I'd ever initiated a kiss, but I don't even hesitate a single moment, like I'd expected myself to do.

"You need to come back, for both me and Jungkook, okay?"

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