°|A Whole New World|°

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Ah, another day of a usual school lunch. The obnoxious people, the fighting, the weird conversations. But I hadn't gotten any sleep for the past three nights, so everything was more annoying than normal. I began to get dizzy, so I put my head down. "Oh dear, is she dead?" I heard Gabrielle say. "Rachel, you good?" Asked Katie. I gave them a thumbs up since my face was against the table and I wasnt able to speak. Then I was falling. I screeched loudly as I fell downwards, with random objects floating beside me. When finally - SPLAT. I face planted on the ground. "Oof." I muttered. I slowly moved my aching head up to see ... Bucky? With easter bunny ears? "What the-" he ran away at super soldier speed. "Wait-!" I said. I sat up the whole way. I was in a hallway with many fancy doors. "Well this sucks. Which one do I choose!?" I had a dilemma. I decided to pick the one on the left. When I reached for the handle, the door disappeared into nothing to reveal a tiny door. "Crap! Stupid hologram door tricking me.." I growled. I looked down to see a tiny doughnut with sprinkles. There was a note attached to it that read, 'eat me!' "meh, I'm stuck here so I might as well." I shrugged. as soon as I took a bite, I began to shrink. "What the drugs!?" I threw the evil doughnut on the floor. At least I could fit in the door now. I hoped if anybody came by they wouldn't step on me. "How does ant man survive..?" I tried the the door slowly and quietly, just in case somebody was out to kill me. What? I just saw Bucky wearing easter bunny ears! anything is possible in this place, apparently. But the stupid door didn't budge. "Screw you, door." I decided to walk away and find another door to satisfy my boredom when I suddenly grew bigger than I'd ever been. I could barely fit in the hallway now. "Curse you evil doughnut! Wait I'm alone! I can swear for real!! SON OF A-" then I grew tiny again. Then it hit me. When I grew, I'd knocked over a huge vase of water, which I was currently trying not to drown in. I was swept down the hall and through another door. darkness surrounded me.

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