Belle: my wishes

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This is a bonuschapter. It has nothing to do with what's going on in the last chapter.

Jake and I walk on stage and our readers start to scream. I can't believe we have so many loyal fans. We only started with the story of our lives a couple of months ago.

'Hello. My name is Jake. This is Isabelle, but you all know her better as Belle or Izzy.' Jake starts. The crowd goes silent.

'We are here today because a new year has started and we all want to thank you for reading our story.' I continue.

Jake takes over the speech again. 'And we both want to wish you a happy new year. Last year was happy for us because of you. I hope you keep reading in this new year'

'And ofcourse we want a happy year for you, but also a healty year with lots of loving and caring people and good friends in it. We wish you luck in this new year. May all your wishes come true' I finish.

Everyone starts cheering and clapping. I am so greatful for every single person who's here.

I want to walk of stage again, but Jake grabs my hand and stops me.

'I have a little suprise for you guys' he says. I frown. We did not discuss this.

'Because you all have been so good for us, were going to do an interview. You can write your questions on a paper and drop them in the box outside. You can also write down comments. We will read them en respond to them.
I hope a lot of you write something down.
Happy new year!'

I smile widely. Ofcourse! Why didn't I think of that. It's a great idea. We can do it somewhere next week to make sure everyone has the chance to write something down.

'Jake! That was such a good idea' I kiss him and he grins widely.

'Yeah. I wanted to do something in return for their loyalty.'

I put my arms around his neck and pull his face closer to mine.

'I love you. I hope everyone finds someone as amazing as you'

Happy new year everyone!!!!

Happy new year everyone!!!!

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