IV. A spiders web

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~Hi yes update. So the cute Susie and Lynette chapter will not be until next chapter because this one is really long(that's what she said).so yeah~

"And that is what he said about what happened" I finish patting my hands on the table. We are sitting in Ms. Wardwells office. She sits down and says "My hearts weeps for your friend. Such a difficult thing to be going through". I nod and Sabrina starts"It's just this town-this school- has a culture of-". "Puritanical Masculinity?" Ms. Wardwell finish. "Exactly!" I say, even though I don't know what it means. "And principal Hawthorne is the most intolerant, most buffoonish, the most misogynistic of them all. When will the word learn"Ms.Wardwell ends with a sigh. We nod and I say "I hope sooner than later". " Women should be in charge of everything. Our assistant principal, Ms. Glover, would not turn a blind eye of this" She says. "I just.." I start not able to find the right words. "Just what?" Ms. Wardwell ask. "Hawthorne is a no good, useless crow. He deserves to learn a lesson" I finish grabbing on to the chair, as if was about to be pulled from underneath me.

"Well why don't you?" Ms. Wardwell ask. I look up interested and say "Look I am all up for a good revenge but what would this do for Susie. The important point". "A fish rots from the head down, Principal Hawthorne isn't an ally if... he were to take a sabbatical. Say ,I think you and your friends could come up with some way to help Susie" Ms. Wardwelll says leaning over her desk. "Ha. Yeah no way." I say with a giggle. "See the problem is,Hawthorne doesn't take sabbaticals, or days off,even" Sabrina says much for serious then me. "He's scared of spiders, you know" Ms. Wardwell tells us. "Spiders! Oh my god! He is a baby" I say with a chuckle. Sabrina elbows with the ribs and ask "He is?". "Absolutely terrified". I turn to Sabrina with a almost evil grin on my face. "I have a plan" I say. We run to the library and get a yearbook. I turn to a page with his picture in it. "Bingo" I say pointing to it. "Graven image. Genius" Sabrina whispers. "Thank you" I say with a cocky smile.
Sabrina,Ros,Harvey and I walk over to our normal table outside with lunch. Susie left school early, telling the nurse she was sick. "Their like a epidemic. The football team. But we have fight them like a vaccine" I say pulling out a notebook from my bag. "A club. Where girls can meet and discuss. And if anyone has any problems, we come up with a solution" I say handing the notebook to Ros. All day Susie was on my mind. How could I help her when I am gone. I won't be there to punch or insult a bitch when they mess with her. She would end up dead in the hands of the football team. I couldn't live, unsure if Susie would in danger. Ros looks up from the book and ask "Like a club to topple over white patriarchy?". "What?" Harvey and I ask back in unison. "Exactly, to mobilize and protest when we need to get political, to fight when we need to fight and to defend each other" Sabrina starts. "So that Susie-" I start "Or any other girl". "Can defend themselves" I finish. I rambled to Sabrina about it all 4th period so she knows all the details. "Won't Hawthorne block this? He wouldn't let me start that Daughters of The Black Panther club last year" Ros ask. "For your information Lindy we have a plan. We just need to get it going fast" I say patting her hair. "How fast?" Ros says hitting my hand off her head. "As soon as possible. But deadline is Friday" I say with a light sigh. That god for sake day.

Ros smiles her goofy grin and says "Just in them for your birthday!" "Here we go again" I mumble knowing the next words, since we have had this conversation before. "Yes, but remember, were not doing anything big this year" Sabrina says trying to get through Ros. "But it is a big deal. Your sweet 16, on eclipse, I mean that cosmically demands a party! Back me up Harvey" Ros pushes, not listening to us. The worst part is I want to. So bad. "I've tried Ros. But..." Harvey starts with a light chuckle. "We have plans with our Aunties. Years in the making plans. Super-Secret-Spellman plans, that we are not suppose to talk about" Sabrina says, sounding like Aunt Zelda. "Yeah stupid-secret plan" I say taking a bite on my chicken salad sandwich. "Name ideas?" Sabrina ask turning back to the club. "She-Hawks?" Ros offers. "Yeah no" I say through a cough.
"Oh Aunt Hilda, the Weird Sisters are horrible. Everyone at the academy is snobby,racist and horrible" Sabrina complains to Aunt Hilda. She wasn't listening because I had just told her about the curse. "And homophobic" I say though a mouthful of frosting,sitting on the kitchen table. "Why on earth would they curse you,for no reason" Aunt Hilda ask. "Cause they are bitches. And don't worry I took Sabrina half of the curse. Besides, I watched it off" I say proudly like I am a true witch already. "We'll about that" Aunt Hilda mumbles annoyed. "They're jealous of you,you're daughters of the high priest. And who are they? Nobodies! By that is precisely why you need a familiar. To protect you from these types of attacks" Aunt Zelda scoffs begins us. "We tried to summon ones" Sabrina whispers sounding almost ashamed. "And you?" Aunt Z says, her eyes slowly turning to me. "Me!What did I do...this time?!" I ask astounded. "How could you do take both sides of the curse! You could've died! That's foolish even for you!" Aunt Zelda shots back,sounding almost worried."One,um-rude. Second, I was protect my twin. I am older" I say with a big smile on my face. "By 15 minutes" Sabrina mumbles bitterly . "That. And I am the tougher one. Do you know how many physical fights I have been in?" I ask too proud. "Don't be proud of that" Aunt Hilda whispers. "And it is out job to protect you!" Aunt Zelda says pointing to us.