The Evil Queen

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Kirans POV
       We teleported to the middle of Times Square. "Okay, Hermes, Yakio, Makai, Julian, Josue and Venus, you guys are on people management. Save as many as you can. Iris, Brayden and William I need you guys on damage control. We need to build these cities back up. Come on guys. Let's show them were on their side," I exclaimed. They all went to go do their jobs while I started on mine which was probably the biggest one; fixing Times Square. Numerous people were already staring at me. I held my hands out and lifted up off the ground.
        People gasped, others screamed while most merely watched in fear. The pieces began floating back to their specific places, rebuilding all the surrounding buildings. I closed my eyes to focus and I felt the atmosphere shift. I slowly opened my eyes and noticed I was in the Lab. Philip sat in the seat that the watcher sat in. "When do you plan on letting that thing out?" He pointed to my old cage. It was dark but obvious that something was there.
         "What exactly is supposed to be there?" I asked.
         "All your darkness of course. Every negative emotion you have Kiran. It's all locked up in here. I want you to let it out," Philip laughed.
         "And you think that I can just let it out? You think I would? That me was a murderer and very irrational. I already hate you so I would kill you even less considerately if I let it out," I replied.
         "Everyone thinks that it's all about me. It's not about me at all. I'm a harbinger. I'm only here to start the process. This whole show is about you Kiran," he laughed.
         "Do you ever shut up? Your laugh is so irritating, like, you've been laughing for three minutes now and I feel like my ears are trying to commit suicide. Please just shut up. You talk too much," I frowned.
         "Excuse me? I control your thoughts. This is my domain," a throne grew from the white floor as he sat down.
         "Your domain?" I smiled. "This is my brain...this is my brain. You're in my head Philip," his throne melted away and he fell. "You're here on my turf, in my head, with my thoughts and I'm just a lil bit crazy Uncle Tootiseroll." I walked towards him. I held my hand out and he appeared inside the dark cage.
        "Derutan," I murmured. From the dark corner a hand reached out and grabbed Philip. An exact copy of me with red eyes emerged from the darkness and began punching Philip repeatedly, harder each time. It picked him up and threw him through the glass and the glass repaired itself before it could get out too.
         "You think you can harm me? This is merely my astral projection. I'm stronger than ever," he began fading off.
         "You're right. This isn't physical so let's make it physical," I drug my hands down, tearing down the walls around us. I was back in Times Square and Philip stood across from me, in shock.
         " are powerful. Magnificent," he smiled.
         "Do you see all these people? They hate us because of you," I pointed to all the people filming us. Nearly each person was holding some sort of device to capture this very moment.
          "Yes. They see two people. A harbinger and the destroyer of their planet. I've done everything to pave the road to your destiny," Philip exclaimed.
          "You killed Rebekah's baby for me?" I growled.
          "Okay, that was wrong of me. I was angry," he replied.
          "You stole Jakob from his family for me?"
          "Once again, that was me."
          "Then what did you do for me?" I screamed. The crowd grew, curious people staring at us in the middle of Times Square.
          "I implanted the darkness in your mind. Then I had my scientist teach you not to care about any other life than yours. Then I came back so Polaris would have no other choice but to bring you here. Now I've brought you here, to enact the apocalypse. I created you," he frowned.
          "You're the reason I was experimented on for 16 years?" He realized that he admitted to it. I turned around and rubbed my forehead, ignoring all the frightened people.
           "Kiran," he placed his hand on my shoulder and in seconds his head was slammed into the concrete.
           "Shut. Up," I picked him up by his leg and spun around quickly, releasing him into the sky. I launched after him, feeling the crater crested by his head hitting the concrete. My fist connected with his face again, launching him even farther into the distance. With a loud crack, we broke through the sound barrier, me punching him over and over. I put my hands together and knocked him out of the sky. He plummeted into the San Fransisco desert. My foot slammed his face down into the sand and his legs flew up. I grabbed one and snapped it. Sand poured into his mouth, nose, ears and eyes and he began struggling, trying to breathe. "That is how the first year of those 16 felt." I exclaimed bitterly.
           I picked him up and took off into the sky again. He was losing consciousness so I tossed him up and kneed him in his stomach, then threw him down through the H in the Hollywood sign. The city erupted into chaos as I descended. Philips face was bruised and disoriented. "Please...have mercy," he muttered. I picked him up by his shirt and dangled him over the drop to the streets.
          "Doctor Murphy didn't believe in mercy. That's something he taught me," i dropped him and in seconds I was on the ground holding a light pole. He fell and I hit him like I was playing baseball, knocking him off into the sky. Lasers flew from my eyes, sending him off like a missile. I appeared on the Great Wall of china as he dropped through it. "That's how my tenth year felt," I shrugged and drop kicked him across the land, bouncing off of a mountain and back into the sky. I moved my hand and a lightning bolt struck him, knocking him back. I flew after him, whom landed in Paris. "Now, I wanna show you how it felt when he told me that he was never going to let me out. I can tell you right now, it was the worst pain I've ever felt," I picked up a leg of the Eiffel Tower and it tilted over, dropping onto him. He screamed in agony and I laughed.
         "It hurts doesn't it?!" I screamed, forcing the metal down onto his body.
         "Kiran stop! Please!" He cried.
         "Philip Tenear, today you killed hundreds of thousands of people. I will not stop for you will feel all of their pain. You did this to yourself," shards of metal pierced his skin and I lifted him up out of the broken top of the Tower. "Don't worry, the tours almost over. One more place," I carried him for miles until we reached the sea and then I plunged him into the water. I rolled him like a metal ball through the ocean until we reached the Bermuda Triangle border. His army awaited there. "Begone," I growled. Screams erupted before they all were gone. I drug his limp body into Orion's front room and sat on the couch.
          "You know? You have ruined so many lives...but what bothers me the most is what you did to me as a child and Rebekah's child. You stole our lives. You tortured me for sixteen freaking years. You beat the life out of her unborn baby," a tear fell from my eye. It dropped and burned a hole into wooden floor.
          "And I will not apologize for either. I did what I had to do Kiran. This world is ours for the taking and we need to take it. Everything I did was for the greater good," he laughed and I kicked him in his mouth.
          "And killing you will be for the greater good," I replied. I stepped forward and grabbed his head.
          "Come on Kiran. Fulfill your destiny. My job is done. It begins," he held his head back. I was shocked into paralysis. Fulfill my destiny, his job is done. He wanted this, but why? "KILL ME KIRAN!" He started yelling. "KILL ME! KILL-" he went silent and the light in his eyes faded. He fell to the ground and Polaris stood behind him with his heart in her hands, staring at it.
           "Why didn't you kill him Kiran?" She started crying. "Why did I have to do it?!" Breonna and the other Celestials, along with my siblings came into the room. Rebekah appeared on the other side of the room. She saw what was happening and I could see the smile on her face begin to appear. Breonna rushed over to Philips body and picked it up. She began crying hard.
           "We could've banished him again," she cried.
           "He just would've come back," Nightwatcher exclaimed.
           "Philip sweetie I'm so sorry," she kept repeating over and over, rocking his body back and forth. I noticed the faint flow of purple energy traveling from Philips body and into Breonnas.
            "No," I murmured. She stopped crying abruptly and looked at me. Her eyes turned purple. She stood up and dropped his body, tilting her head.
            "Now it's my turn," she smile and turned to leave but Nightwatcher stood in her way.
            "Breonna," he exclaimed. She shoved her hand deep into his chest and crushed his heart. He dropped to the ground, twitching and then motionless. Polaris pushed Breonna out the way and knelt down next to him. The other Celestials were seemingly frozen, staring at Nightwatchers body. The light in the veins that covered his body faded away and he returned to human form. He was gone. Breonna smiled and turned to walk away. Jakob shot up and pointed his hands at her. She stopped moving and slowly turned around.
            "You're not going anywhere," Jakob exclaimed.
            "Jakob let her go. She's stronger than two Celestials now," Orion shouted but before Jakob could let go, Breonna started moving. She grabbed the air and snatched it backwards sending Jakob into excruciating pain. I could nearly feel his pain. She super sped towards him and I went to block her but she knocked me backwards. I tried to get up but I was paralyzed. Rebekah was thrown next to me and Kaleb was unconscious. Mali stood between her and Jakob. They exchanged punches back and forth, Mali landing more. Mali morphed into rubber as Breonna tried to break her arm. Slowly Malis rubbery skin began to freeze over and Breonna pushed past her. Jakob tried backing away but he was more focused on the amount of blood pouring from his fingertips.
            She murmured something and kissed Jakob's forehead. All the veins in his head turned black and his skin turned pale as he fell backwards. "MORAN!" I shouted. A large dragon shot through the house, launching at Breonna. She whispered another set of unrecognizable words and Moran shifted back into dog form and went to sleep at her feet.
         "This is a game of chess. The Spirit Walkers, the Unnaturals of the city, the Guardians, they are all our pawns. Philip was just using his pawns to make all his moves and he didn't really get anywhere. Neither did your pawns. More moves have to be made," Breonna started. Polaris and her siblings were standing over Nightwatcher, listening but not paying Breonna any attention. Akira and Akuno were with Jakob, desperately using their tribal methods to heal him. Mali and kaleb were becoming conscious. Rebekah and I were still paralyzed. I couldn't see Kalayah though. "Philip did his job and now it's my turn. We all know the queen is the most powerful player in the game right? Now the goal of chess is to take out the king and while you think you have done so for my side, you are incorrect. You all have your king and queen. The most powerful of all of you," she looked st Rebekah and I. "But the question is, is Kiran your king...or is he mine? Keep your guard up my beloved family. My pieces are in their right positions and I am still winning. Your move," she laughed and left. I regained the ability to move and super sped to Jakob.
         He was barely breathing. I placed my hand over his heart to heal him as Akira and Akuno backed up a little. I started using Rebekah's healing ability but I felt the dark energy shoot back through my veins and I fell backwards, too weak to move. Jakob stopped breathing as soon as I did. Rebekah jumped over and placed her hand on his heart and started using her power. She began exerting everything she had and Jakob began breathing again.
         "What just happened?" Akuno asked.
         "She poisoned him with a toxin that blocks healing abilities. It took out Kiran because he's not as strong as I am with this ability but even still..." Rebekah drifted. "If I take my hand off his heart. If I stop healing...he'll die."
          "What are you saying?" Kaleb exclaimed.
          "There's nothing we can do to save him," a tear ran down her eye. There was revelation that only I saw apparently. Rebekah had feelings again.

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