The Final Battle

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"Last words? It's us against you three, are you really that dumb?" Breonna exclaimed.
"Let me handle this your highness," Nic smiled. Akira lifted her hand and growled. Snakes emerged from the ground, wrapping around Nic. He started screaming trying to take them off but they were biting him. He kept ripping off snakes and blood poured out each bite mark. More kept crawling onto him.
"You need to die," Akiras eyes turned green and a giant glowing snake shot from the ground. It opened its mouth and dove onto Nic, submerging back into the ground. He was gone.
"Well that was dramatic," Breonna laughed.
"How can you even be okay? Your husband is dead Breonna. You don't have to do his bidding anymore," Mali exclaimed.
"It's not his bidding that I'm doing. It's someone more closely related to you," she laughed. Immediately the red gate came to mind.
"I can't be killed. Surrender now and your deaths will be pretty quick. Don't, and I'll make you die so slowly and painfully," Kiran clenched his fists.
"I choose to live," I exhaled and closed my eyes. Black energy began to cover my body. My hair turned completely white. Gold energy formed on my body like stars. I opened my eyes and took note of my celestial form. "Come on Kiran," I exclaimed. My voice wasn't my own. It was many voices. Kiran smirked and his body turned blue. He was covered in stars.
"Let's go," I flew into the sky, flying at super sonic speeds. I flew directly towards the sun. Kiran followed closely behind me. I flew around Venus and Kiran plowed directly through it, blowing it to pieces. I entered the Suns atmosphere but I felt no heat or pain. I landed on the surface and turned around. My face connected with kirans fist and I flew backwards. I stood up quickly and kicked him in his mouth. He stumbled back. I grabbed his head and slammed it into the ground and then threw him into a pillar of flames shooting out of the ground. He emerged from the flames and kicked me in my face. I back flipped and grabbed his head with my feet, throwing him into the ground.
Kiran struggled to stand. I walked over to him and pushed my foot on his face. I could feel myself losing strength and I knew we needed to get back on earth before we both died. I felt a hand on my shoulder and fear flew through my body. Kiran was on the ground in front of me. I turned around and no one was there. I turned back around and saw a figure standing in the fire pillar a ways away from us. A pillar of metal shot through kirans body and then retracted back into the ground. Kirans body turned back to normal and I felt energy start to flow back into my body, but it was weird. The figure started walking towards us. He was the one that did it. I picked kirans body up and I tried to fly but I couldn't.
The gravity began to get stronger. I fell to the ground, holding kirans heavy body on top of my shoulder. Oddly enough, plants began to grow around me. The figure stopped and a bright light fell to the ground. I felt the gravity lighten and I took the opportunity. I flew back to the earth and landed back in the desert. Kaleb, Kalayah, Mali and Akira were fighting Breonna. They were winning. I laid Kiran on his back and began healing him. It wasn't working through. The energy was flowing off of him into the sand. I kept pounding energy into him repeatedly, each time it not working. I began to fear that he was actually dead. I stopped and watched to see if he was breathing. His eyes shot open and he grabbed me by my throat.
"Nice trick huh?" He growled. I made a sword out of dark energy and did the one thing I knew would be a hard reboot. His hand dropped and his head rolled to the side a little bit, his eyes staring at me. I quickly reattached it to his neck and started healing him. I watched his neck reattach and sew itself back together. A strong wave of energy flew past me. I turned around and saw Kaleb shooting spacial energy at Breonna.
"No," I exclaimed. I stood up and tried to stop him but there was a barrier around him. I turned around to Kiran, he was breathing. Akira was with Mali and Akuno. They were both down. Everything was going too fast. I couldn't move. Kalayah ran up next to Kaleb and started shooting the beams of energy at Breonna. Breonna started screaming. That was the two that were going to die. I started to cry realizing that I was about to lose my twin and my sister.
"The red gate!" Kiran shouted. He looked up and realized what was happening. "No!" He shot up and ran up to Kalayah. "What did you do? Kalayah! It was supposed to be me," Kiran exclaimed. A clone of Kalayah came out. She whispered something into kirans ear and he started to cry. I walked in front of Kaleb and saw that he was crying.
"I'm sorry Kaleb. It was supposed to be me, you have two kids and a wife," I exclaimed.
"And you have a family to start," he looked at me. "Marry that boy. He wants to give you the world. I never told you, but when I went to the future that day on the deck with Brittany, I saw you. You were happy. You were married. You had two kids. Make that come true. Let me have done something good in my life Rebekah. You're my twin sister. I never got to be there for you. I know this was you, but now this is me. Let me save you the way I couldn't the day you got you head cut off. Rebekah, remember, I love you, till my days cease," he exclaimed. I cried hard, unable to say anything. I noticed Kiran freezing the clone of Kalayah. If he lost her, he would've gone crazy. I guess this was his way of keeping her around. I noticed the spacial energy getting brighter and I backed away. I closed my eyes as everything got bright. The light faded and all that was left was smoke where Kalayah and Kaleb were supposed to be. I broke down and cried.
"I guess they didn't tell you," Breonna laughed. She was covered in burns. I became filled with anger. This chick was still alive. I started walking to her to finish the job when a portal opened in front of me. A girl ran out and started super speeding around Breonna. A boy emerged from the portal followed by Krystian. Breonna was suffocating. The boy was light skinned, shirtless and had the traditional red bandana of our unnatural army. He created a red Crystal and shot it at Breonna. She became trapped inside of it. Krystian shot a beam at the Crystal and it shattered. These were two of Kalebs kids. The girl stopped next to the grown up version of Malachi and looked at me. She had long white hair but her skin was dark. Her eyes were pure white. She looked at me and smiled.
"Let's go cuz," Malachi exclaimed. Krystian opened a portal and Malachi and the girl went through it. I was trying to figure out everything. That may have been my daughter. I turned around and saw Kiran on his knees crying.
"Krystian, come help me out," I exclaimed, wipininf away my tears. Breonna was finally dead. No one was after us.

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