record store

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the place reminds him of a distant memory about foreign songs playing from an old radio, the sweet taste of ice cream, and a weekend spent with his grandparents.

it wasn't exactly the place his grandfather used to bring him to, but he could feel a familiar vibe once he entered this store.

it's been too long since the last time he visited his grandparents, but he still remembers how much they like Chet Baker.

that wasn't his only reason to visit here. this little store might be one of the last places that didn't hold any memories he shared with her.

the one who walked away after all his attempts to proof himself. the one whose name he used to associate with beautiful things, but now reminded him of bitterness and rejection.

he was busy choosing Mr. Baker's albums available whilst listening to the soft rendition of Christmas songs playing at the store, not realising someone else was beside him.

until their hands touched, aiming for the same album. "sorry. you first," he said.

"are you about to buy it?" she asked. "I just wanted to look at the album title,"

"oh, actually I was thinking of buying it,"

"it's yours then,"

"thanks," he couldn't help but noticing the comic books on her hands. "are those for presents?"

"for myself, yes," she grinned as if she was almost mortified for buying comic books.

"you're like one of my cousins," he smiled back. "I remember listening to him gushing about Civil War,"

"everyone would,"

"Team Captain or Team Iron Man?"

"Captain all the way. You?"

"I'm not in position to judge," he said. "Both have their reasons."

"They do. Only Cap's resonates more with me."

he didn't remember the last time he spoke with someone, let alone a stranger, over trivial things like this.

the past six months, he has been keeping himself busy, occupied. all in the name of brushing off the lingering discomfort. all in the name of not succumbing to heartbreak.

"right," he muttered. "we all need to understand someone's reasons to empathize, don't we?"

which is why he would not understand her decision to walk away and let their chance go to waste.

"couldn't agree more," she smiled. "hey, I'd love to chat more with you, but I'm afraid my sister is waiting," he could see she hesitated for a second.

"oh, it's fine. see you later, then," he said quickly.

"right. goodbye, then."

they did not even exchange their names. he did not try to stop her.

a pang of realisation hits him as he saw her leaving; he did not stop the girl, because he was afraid.

he was lost and still broken, and too afraid to had it all again.

because even after all these times, his scar didn't heal one bit.

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