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As we entered the club everyone was drunk and dancing crazily and I was thinking why in this world I agree to come here.

Lisa:''There is Jungkook...c'mon Y/n let's go.''

She went to Jungkook as I was going to them I saw a familiar figure.....Kim Taehyung.I just froze there I didn't know what to do then someone taped on my shoulder.....Jungkook.

Jungkook:''Y/n what are you doing here c'mon let's go.''

Y/n:"ye...hmm....."I turned again but I didn't see him maybe it was just imagination.

Jungkook:"What happened Y/n are you ok."

Y/n:"I am ok let's go where is Lisa."

Jungkook:"She is a big fan of drinking so I guess at the bar."

I just smiled

Jungkook:"ohh so you do smile..''

Y/n:"huh?? what do you mean??''

Jungkook:''I means you are kind of know.....''

Y/N:"Ohh it's just it's a little hard for me to open up to people...that's why....''

Jungkook:" So what about me can you talk to me openly or I am just a stranger." with shiny eyes.

Y/n:I chuckled."I wouldn't say stranger but I also won't say friends."he cutely pouted and say.

Jungkook:"We are not friends then."

Y/n:"But we can become friends will you be my friend."

Jungkook: "Yess." he extended his hand. I shook the hand.

Jungkook: "Not hand give your phone.."


Jungkook:"well you are my friend I should have your number."

Y/n:"okk."I gave him my number.

Jungkook:"would you like to dance don't say NO...please."

Y/n:"Okk."we were about to go to the dance floor when we saw Lisa fighting with a girl she was super drunk.''Oh my God."

Junkook:"we have to get her out of here.'' we dragged her out of the club.

Lisa:"woooo h h ow dare sheeeed spill her rrrdrink ooonn mmeee."

Y/n:"Aissh stop it, Lisa. Auntie will kill us what do we do now."

Jungkook:"You can go in without letting her know secretly."

Y/n:"I can go but what will I do with Lisa she is not even conscious I can not carry her."

Jungkook:"I can help you with that ."

Y/n:"can you??"

Jungkook:"Yeah, first get her in the car..''

Y/n:"Okk thank you Jungkook."

Junkook:"your welcome."smiling.

*Reached Home*

Jungkook:"Y/n you go and see if someone is there."

Y/n:"Okk.''I sneaked into the house no one was there I waved to Jungkook signaling him to come. He carried Lisa and come into the house.

Jungkook:"Y/n where is her room."

Y/n:"come with me."He followed me to her room. Then he put her in her bed and I put a blanket on her."Jungkook you should go now before auntie sees you.''

Jungkook:"oh...o..ok.'' when we were about to go outside the house we heard someone's footsteps I grabbed Jungkook's hand and dragged him under the stares so no one can see him.

𝓘 𝓦𝓸𝓷'𝓽 𝓛𝓮𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾 [ Kim Taehyung FF]✓Where stories live. Discover now