Chapter Fourteen - "I Promise"

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   I woke to the sound of some sort of an alarm. I didn't have an alarm clock. I rolled around trying to block out the sound with my pillow. The sound was still ringing in my ears. Then I remembered where I was. I had slept in Colton's room for the third time. It has started becoming a habit I guess. So far I hadn't spent a night in my own room, well not the whole night anyway.

   “Colton,” I groaned. I had to have been his alarm.

   When the rining didn't stop, I became more irratated.

   “Colton, please turn it off,” I said louder.

   Again, the ringing continued to the point where I wasn't even tired anymore. So much for sleeping in. I truned over on my side to yell at Colton for ignoring me but no one was there. Where did he go?

   “Colton?” I asked, looking around the room.

   He was no where in sight. On the bedside table was a ringing cellphone. So it hadn't been an alarm. I didn't want to answer it, it wasn't my phone. It had to have been Colton's.

   Who'd be calling this early in the morning? Then I looked at the time. Holy crap! It was almost 1:00pm! I had really slept in. I guess that's where Colton went, to start his day. He didn't even bother to wake me up?

   I stared down at his phone. Should I answer it? The caller ID said: Unknown Number. I didn't have any right to answer his phone. But what if it was some girl he'd hit on somewhere, then what? Jelousy started to fourm up inside me as I started to asume the worst. My jelousy won over my good side.

   I answered his phone, putting it up to my ear.

   “Hello?” I answered.

   “Who is this?” a deep male voice damaneded on the other end.

   I let out a sigh of relief that it wan't a girl's voice.

   “Krissy...?” I responded without thinking, although it was more of a question, Crap! I shouldn't have given out my name.

   “And where's Colton, Krissy?” he asked.

   I paniked. I new I shouldn't have answered his phone. Now I was debating on whether or not I should hang up.

   “I get it. He's right next to you isn't he? That's my boy! A good screw, eh?” he continued.

   What the hell!? Was he in implying that I was some sort of slut!?

   “Excuse me!?” I demanded into the phone. Wait did he say his boy? As in Colton's dad!?

   “Hey, no need to get all shouty, Doll. I was just looking for my son. Hand him the phone,” he ordered.

   Oh god! It was Colton's dad. This was not good.

   “He's not here,” I said.

   “Then why do you have his phone, Krissy?” he questioned.

   “He left it here at the house,” I explained.

   “The house? As in you live together?” he wondered aloud.

   “As in I'm his step-sister and not some slut you were implying I was,” I said rudly.

   “So sorry, Doll,” he said with a hint of sarcasam.

   “Sounds like it,” I rolled my eyes. “Well if that's all. Thanks for wasting my time.”

   I was about to hang up.

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