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new beginning

I sighed, another day of work finished. Trotting up the stairs I stopped halfway feeling the sharp pains coming from my feet, I quickly removed my heels before continuing up the spiraling creaky staircase. My hand recoiled due to feeling the texture of lacey fabric on the stairs; someone was having fun tonight. Sighing, the bottom of my feet continued to pad up the steps letting anyone from any floor knowing I was arriving home, a man tipped his dark fedora at me before I heard a cheer from the lower steps from a bunch of other men. Finally, as I arrived on my floor the sound of muffled laughter and jazz come from the door next to mine, I huffed knowing they’ll be dancing away the night; just like last night and the night before that.

Unlocking my apartment door I was greeted by the open kitchen as the only thing separating it from the rest of the living space was half of a wall and a counter with stools for two. I felt my body stiffen; the smell of a cigarette was lingering in the air. I didn't smoke and I lived alone, I noticed that my window was open slightly; did I forget to close it? Has someone broken in? The door closed softly behind me as I tiptoed along the old floorboards; thankful I had no blisters at my toes. A flicker of light caught my attention as I looked at the dusty striped sofa I had in the middle of the small apartment, my breath got caught into my throat – a shadowed figure was sitting with one arm resting on the back of the sofa; the flicker of a light was followed by the sound of a click.Those bastards! I paid my protection fee just like everyone else in this apartment! Did they not get my money? I started to creep back to the door.

Suddenly, I was caught in the gaze of the unknown person in my house as dull brown eyes stared into my (E/C) ones. Now leaning their back the moon lit up the figures appearance; he His messy brown hair went in every which way that was now dangling off the edge of my sofa, and his pale - almost grey skin was brought out by luminescent lighting showing the scar on his cheek and the large plaster covering the over cheek right over the edge of his mouth. A large grin was on his face tugging the plaster- it was almost threatening to fall off right there.

"Welcome home honey! How was work?" He had a cheerful yet curious tone to his voice.

My hands were trembling to cause the heels in my hands to drop at my feet as I tried my best to hide the fact I gulped.

"I-it was just fine!"

His head suddenly jerked to the side as his shoulders jolted; a tic?

"Really? B-because with those brui-bruises on your arms it means they've been rough with you again…" he pouted eyeing the bruises; despite the stuttering, his voice seemed to continue hiding a sinister feel to it.

"Ah- um…yes. They wanted me to perform again, but we both know I won't do that. Right dear?"

My lip quirked up into a nervous smile as I shuffled closer to the sofa - seeing as he knows where I live and knows what my bruises mean he must already know what kind of entertainment they were trying to force me to do; who exactly was this man? He perked up at the nickname, shoving his lighter into his pocket he tapped the sofa back.

"Come shi-sit with me, honey, I'll soothe th-hem for you!"

With great hesitation I walked over to the sofa hissing as my blisters pressed against the wooden floors, his eyes followed me whilst continuing to tic randomly.

"c'mon, don't be s-shy."

He smiled up at me, I finally sat down feeling claustrophobic due to how small the sofa was, is for one person only, and his legs were spread wide taking up loads of space. Rough scarred fingers began to trace along my bruises as they caressed each edge; an unpleasant shiver ran down my spine at the gentle sensation.

Omicidio d'amore ❥ Ticci Toby x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now