chapter 1 still

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We make out for about a minute, and then I snuggle up in his arms.

"you want to stay here with me tonight?"

"I will ask my mom."

        Mom can I stay at liam's house tonight?

     1 message. Mom

Yes,but you still are going to school tomorrow.

Yea mom I know , I am 17 I don't need you to remind me . love you.

         1 message.Mom.

love you.

"she said yes."

"well it is 9:30 let's get to bed."

"I will beat you there."

I run upstairs to liam's room, he is right behind me, we both jump on the bed then we face each other.

"I love you rose."

"I love you too liam."

We get under the covers, liam kisses roughly I move closer to him in the bed.Liam puts his hands on my hips and we makeout. Soon I start moaning.

I stop kissing him and realize it was just a dream,  I get out of loans bed and go to his bathroom to get some water.



(ring ring) I slap liam's alarm. I get out of bed and since he is my boyfriend I always keep an extra pair of clothes at his house. After I get dressed I wake up liam so we won't be late.

When we get to school I spot Stella talking to her boyfriend rick.

" Hey girl what you,been doing you haven't text me in a day."

" Sorry rose I was helping rick with his paper that,was do

Sorry not really a writer. have fun reading it though.  hope you like it

I am really new a this so if you have any.suggestions or comments fell free to leave it. If you guys could help me write my story like anything you think that would make it.better or what I should edit next. like o said I am new so me and know that I am just starting and I hate writing but I like my story so I am going to deal with it so well yay so bye.

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