Puny God Jr

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It was Peter's 16th birthday and the team was celebrating. Tony and Pepper were talking to eachother, clearly content. Natasha and Bruce were talking by the bar. The others were sitting in the living room some playing and some watching Mario Kart.

"Pete, what the heck! iM cAlLiNg hAcKs." Sam complained. Clint used a Blue Shell just as Peter crosses the finish line. "sO cLOsE." Clint whines tossing the Wii Remote in the air.

Peter unintentionally sticks his hand out to grab the remote Clint threw, but only made the object stay in place in mid air without contact, kinda like when people use The Force in Star Wars, how they stick their hand out. "ummm...whA?" Wanda said surprised. Tony finally looked over, "How the- fuck?!"

"How in the actuall flip-flap did I do that?" Peter looked at his hands. The tips of his fingers were fading to a shade of blue. "Umm, Tony?" Peter sticks his hand out towards Tony and he sees the blue consuming Peter. "Bruce, can you check over Peter, please." Tony says, failing at a calm voice. "My- look at his eyes." Some one pointed out.

Peter's eyes had turned to a bright but oddly dark red color. "Thor, are you summoning the Bifrost or something? What's outside?" Bruce said, looking out the window. A weird looking tube thing came down from the sky and connected to the ground. "I didn't do it, but it may be one of my friends visiting, I've told them many stories about the Man of Spiders." Thor explains.

"Did you tell Loki?" Natasha asked as the tube of light disappears and reveals who was inside. "Why is Loki here?" Tony asks Thor, but he only shrugs. "Brother! What has broughten you to Midgard this time?" Thor yells nicely. "I need to find a Peter L-Parker, quickly." Loki says. His hands rubbing together anxiously and a worried face.

"That would be me, dad." Peter said, throwing everyone, except Loki, off gaurd. "Dad?!" Practically everyone yells. "Uh, yeah, get over here and do your thing." Peter says. Loki runs up to Peter, "Sorry I ran late, I got caught up on something." Loki says. Loki puts his hand on Peter's shoulder. Soon, Peter's blue skin and red eyes are replaced by human features. "Thanks." Peter said and looked at his father. They both smiled at eachother.

"I missed you." Peter said. "I have too, mini-me." Loki hugs his son. "Are you really calling me that again?" "Yeah, it suits you." "No, it does not. It's annoying." "Yeah, but I like it." Peter rolls his eyes playfully.

They let go of eachother and Loki puts one hand behind his back. "I've also brought you something, birthday-boy." Loki puts his hand out to reveal two  knives.

(Irl, those knives are the size of your forearm to the tip of your middle finger.)

"They're beatiful. Where'd you get them?" Peter says and grabs the knives. "You know Drax? The one we met in the Gaurdians group, he told me to gift them to you. So really they're from him." Loki says. Peter admires the knvies in his hands and smiles, "Tell him I said 'Thank You'."  "I sure will."

A cough is heard from a distance of the two. They turn to see the team looking at them. "Can we get an explanation as to What The Hell Is Going On?" Tony asked. Peter and Loki look at eachother then back to them.

"Well...," Loki starts, "During a time when we were in war, I had a son, I've rasied him in Asgard in secret, but my mother helped me out. Then it got too dangerous there so I sent him to Earth. I left him with Mary and Richard who I've grown to trust but then they died in a plane crash-" Peter and Loki looked down remembering that time, "And Peter lived with Mary's sister, May. Then The Other and The Attack On New York happened...." tears appear in Loki's eyes. Peter hugs him, "Dad, it wasn't your fault, it was the stone and fucking Thanos, they controlled you, so did The Other."

"Yeah, I know, I know, but the disaster I started killed May which lead to Peter staying at the orphange for a while until you got him. I tried to adopt him but my disguises failed and I needed a lot of backround. So, Thank You for taking care of him." Loki said with a sincere smile.

"Our pleasure." Tony said while the rest of the team nodded in approval. "Hold on- what does he mean by you being mind controlled during The Attack On NY?" Natasha asks them. Peter explained, "The Teseract wasn't completely controlling my dad, just amplifying his anger towards my uncle but it amplified it way to much and, yeah."

(The sad tru facts)

Bruce looked up, "Like how we started arguing on the helicarrier. Didn't you all notice how the stone was glowing more as we all argued." Everyone had the "oh" understanding face. 

"Anyways, I've just come to get, Peter and bring to him Asgard for a celebration-" Loki gets interupted by Steve. "Can't it wait, Loki? I don't hate you that much anymore but we also care about Peter very much." There was a pause in the room before Loki answered, "How about you come with us? I'm sure father and our friendly warriors would love to meet The Avengers. This would also be my 'thank you' for taking care of this little giant." He rested his hand on his son's shoulder. Peter rolled his eyes playfully.

"I know I'm part frost giant but calling me a 'little giant' makes no sense- like- wouldn't they just cancel eachother out because it's like sayin-" "Explain all you want, I'm calling you whatever I please just for the fun of it." Peter rolls his eyes.

"So anyways, you guys coming?

-991 words-

im just gonna post this short one because i found it in my drafts


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